Monday, January 6, 2025

Foods that is beneficial for different parts of the body


  1. 肺要好,多吃银耳。
  2. 肝要好,多吃枸杞。
  3. 心要好,多吃红豆。
  4. 肠要好,多吃香蕉。
  5. 胃要好,多吃山药。
  6. 肾要好,多吃黑豆。
  7. 眼睛要好,多吃胡萝卜。
  8. 皮肤要好,多吃番茄。
  9. 牙齿要好,多吃芹菜。
  10. 耳朵要好,多吃黑芝麻。
  11. 血管要好,多吃洋葱。
  12. 睡眠要好,多吃小米。
  • For healthy lungs, eat more white fungus (银耳).
  • For a healthy liver, eat more goji berries (枸杞).
  • For a healthy heart, eat more red beans (红豆).
  • For healthy intestines, eat more bananas (香蕉).
  • For a healthy stomach, eat more Chinese yam (山药).
  • For healthy kidneys, eat more black beans (黑豆).
  • For healthy eyes, eat more carrots (胡萝卜).
  • For healthy skin, eat more tomatoes (番茄).
  • For healthy teeth, eat more celery (芹菜).
  • For healthy ears, eat more black sesame seeds (黑芝麻).
  • For healthy blood vessels, eat more onions (洋葱).
  • For better sleep, eat more millet (小米).
  • Sunday, January 5, 2025

    Magnesium is important for good health

    Magnesium can combat tiredness. It is vital for healthy bones, beating depression and getting good quality sleep.
    Muscle cramps, depression, extreme dizziness and seizures are all symptoms of a magnesium deficiency.

    Friday, January 3, 2025

    Useful TCM formula

    These 6 Foods will Burn Fat and Heal Body | Dr. Mindy Pelz, Top Fasting ...

    1) Avocados 2) Cacao, (the darker the better) 3) Coffee (organic, mold free) 4) Green tea and Bergamot tea 5) Olive oil (organic, make sure it doesn’t go rancid, avoid heating it, such as on a stove) 6) Curcumin

    0:46 What is Autophagy? 1:55 What is a Fasted State? 4:19 How can I do Fasting? 5:37 Top 1 Food to Promote Autophagy 6:35 Top 2 Food 7:31 Top 3 Food 9:04 Top 4 Food 9:49 Top 5 Food 10:50 Top 6 Food

    5 WORST Foods That Feed CANCER Cells 🔥Dr. Jason Fung

    1. Sugar
    2. Refined Carbs 3. High glycemic foods 4. Processed meats 5. Processed fats

    Harmful food

    Farmed prawns
    Smelly tofu
    Roasted ducks
    Ma La steamed boat
    Chicken feet
    Processed meat balls

    Tuesday, December 31, 2024

    Natural Painkillers

    • Apples → Constipation
    • Cranberries → Urinary Infection
    • Ginger → Muscle
    • Turmeric → Chronic Pain
    • Peppermint → Sore Muscles
    • Sunflower Seeds → Heartburn
    • Cherries → Headaches
    • Dark Chocolate → Period Cramps
    • Pineapple → Joint

    The cons of western medicine

    Doctors go to medical school to learn all the above, very sad!
    Operation is very profitable business!
    If you have money and organs to cut away, by all means western medicine is for you!!!

    Thursday, December 26, 2024

    Kidney disease

     (20+) Video | Facebook





    百会穴 - 位于头顶正中,调节全身气机,主治头痛、失眠等问题。Located at central part of head, regulate qi in whole body, headache and insomnia.

    天突穴 - 位于颈部前方,有助于调节呼吸系统,缓解咽喉不适。Located at front part of neck, regulate respiratory system and soothe throat discomfort.

    天池穴 - 在胸部靠近腋下,能够疏通经络,调节心肺功能。Located at chest area near arm pit, clear meridian, regulate heart and lung function.

    天枢穴 - 位于腹部,调整肠胃功能,促进消化。Located at stomach area, regulate stomach, bowel and intestines, improve digestion.

    天泉穴 - 位于上臂内侧,有助于调节心血管系统。Located at area inside upper arm and regulate heart, blood vessels, and blood.

    天井穴 - 在手肘后方,用于缓解肩臂疼痛。Located at back of elbow and soothe shoulder and arm pain.

    天鼎穴 - 位于颈侧,用于改善喉咙和甲状腺问题。Located at side of neck, improve throat and thyroid gland.

    天府穴 - 在上臂外侧,用于调节肺部气血运行。Located at side of upper arm, regulate lungs, qi and blood circulation.

    天牖穴 - 位于耳后,可调节头部和面部的气血。Located behind ears, regulate qi and blood at neck and face.

    天容穴 - 在下颌角附近,用于改善面部肌肉紧张。Locate near lower jaw, improve face muscle tension.

    天冲穴 - 位于头侧,用于疏解头痛、头晕。Located at side of head, soothe headache and giddy.

    天柱穴 - 位于颈后部,可缓解颈部僵硬和疲劳。Located at back of neck, soothe neck tightness and fatigue.



    Healing foot massage

    (20+) Facebook

    Dry mouth and diseases

    Sunday, December 22, 2024


    Gastric pain

    Patient feels better when he presses on his stomach, this is 虚症.

    Patient feels more pain when he presses on his stomach, this is 实症.

    Body feels cold, hands and feets are cold too, vomit clear liquid, like to drink hot water, this condition is stomach "han"(cold)

    Stomach feel hot, dry mouth, like to drink cold water. This is stomach "hot"

    Saturday, December 21, 2024

    【健康】千萬不要這樣吃,癌細胞越長越大!名醫曝3招防癌秘辛:消滅腫瘤!ft.精準醫療名醫 曾嶔元|下班經濟學439

    00:00 精彩開場 01:01 精準醫療是什麼?名醫如何打趴癌症提早預測? 03:00 傳統健檢VS精準醫學 名醫曝治癌也治未病! 04:14 3招科學防癌這樣吃!一招減少50%罹癌機率! 12:07 名醫公開哈佛研究:每天一動作有效防癌! 12:51 人人身上都有癌細胞?名醫曝最多主因並非遺傳? 14:47 癌症一定會復發?名醫戰勝癌症關鍵秘辛大公開!

    用AI幫大家總結了一下內容 1. 斷食與降低胰島素: 斷食可以減少癌症發生率達50%,因為它降低了胰島素的分泌,減少了對癌細胞的刺激。 2. 正確飲食比例: 飲食中碳水化合物20%,蛋白質20%,油脂60%。選擇飽和脂肪酸(如豬油、牛油),因為它們能承受高溫烹調。 3. 酪梨與膽固醇: 每天吃一顆酪梨,能減少壞膽固醇的氧化,保護心血管健康。 4. 維生素C: 癌症患者可以注射大劑量維生素C,健康人適量攝取即可。選擇低果糖水果,如酪梨。 5. 咖啡與癌症: 每天喝2.5到4.5杯黑咖啡,可降低部分癌症風險。黑咖啡最好,無咖啡因的也有效。 6. 運動與癌症預防: 每天快走30分鐘,一週五次,能顯著降低多種癌症風險。快走是中度運動,效果最佳。 7. 遺傳與癌症: 癌症主要與環境和運氣有關,遺傳因素僅占5-10%。 8. 口腔衛生與癌症復發: 注重口腔衛生,避免具核梭桿菌影響免疫系統。用紗布擦舌苔,不用漱口水,保持口腔健康。

    Friday, December 20, 2024

    Signs before sudden death

    Extreme fatigue (Always feel tired even after sleep)

    Sweat easily

    Palpitations heart (Heartbeat always fast or slow) 

    Breathing difficulty (Panting for air often) Blood flow to heart is insufficient

    Giddy often(heartbeat slowly resulting in shortage of oxygen to brain)

    Chest pain or stuffy heart often

    Nausea or vomit often (chest pain often)

    Tips for improving digestion

     What is good for digestion?

    Believe it or not, 90% of the diseases start from your intestines and the primary most important reason for that is bad digestion.

    So the following are 11 easy tips to live a healthy life.

    1. Eat at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. Have light food in dinner. Drink warm milk before bed if feeling hungry.

    Reason : The food will get digested within this time and you will sleep light else the body will keep struggling to digest the food while you are sleeping rather than focusing on taking rest. Moreover, most of the repairing work is done by the body while asleep. Due to which, one will sleep less and wake up fresh and energetic.

    2. Don't drink water 15 mins before meals, during meals and 45 mins after meals.
    Reason : Water severely interferes with the digestion and absorption process. It is gonna dilute the gastric juices which aids the digestion.

    3. This one everyone knows but nobody implements : Chew food 32 times before swallowing.
    Reason : Digestion starts right from the mouth and the more you Chew the less the stomach has to work to digest the food.

    4. Eat fresh and eat raw
    Reason : It's the life that is changing form from food into you. So the more fresh and raw foods that are the full of life you eat, the more you feel alive.

    5. Drink a litre of water in the morning.
    Reason : it kick starts the entire system and clears any waste from your intestines. Start with a glass gradually increase the quantity.

    6. Observe fast once in a while
    Reason : Give your stomach some rest. We keep on eating every waking hour munching something and the body works all the time to digest. So, Fasting gives rest to all the vital organs and rejuvenates the entire system. It also helps in removing the toxins out of the body.

    7. Walk after every big meal.
    Reason : Again if helps in taking the load off from the stomach to digest the food. Take at least 300 steps after meal. Or Sit in vajrasna as it brings the whole energy to the abdomen region where the digestion is gonna happen. You may also lie down for some time but don't sleep during day.

    8. Don't stuff the stomach too much.
    Reason : As per Ayuveda, one should eat 1/2 of food as solid, 1/4 as liquid and one should leave 1/4th of the stomach empty as the offering to God. Basically, the empty space will make it easier for stomach to churn the food. For eg- Ever tried churning something in a mixer after over stuffing it similarly when we over stuff the body prefers to push the food out of system rather than absorbing the minerals out of food.

    9. While eating just eat.
    Reason : We work all day to earn food and when you actually earned it, We are again busy with talking, checking out Facebook, watching TV series, doing something stupid on mobile. Stop everything and just enjoy your delicious meal. Savor every bite, taste the flavour and feel that this is the best meal on earth.

    10. Eat balanced food.
    Reason : Stop listening to diet coaches and start eating everything in balance and moderation. Eat fruits, vegetables, dairy, nuts, eggs, ghee and everything under the sun to eat. And believe me you don't have to take any pills for vitamins and minerals after that.

    11. Don't interfere with your sleeping cycle

    Reason: It badly affects the entire body and the mind. The body goes into the shock after the disturbed sleep and doesn't know when it is gonna be fed and when rested.

    One Bonus Tip:

    Listen to your body. It is the best dietician ever. The body knows what is right for you, just pay some attention. And eat what is good for the body not what is good for tongue.

    Tuesday, December 17, 2024

    Home Remedies for Mange | Ted's Famous Borax for Mange Treatment(Cats and dogs)

    Home Remedies for Mange | Ted's Famous Borax for Mange Treatment(Cats and dogs)

    Home remedies for mange include Ted's borax and peroxide mange treatment. Ted's famous solution has cured thousands of dogs and cats worldwide for over 15 years, when Ted first sent Earth Clinic his effective and safe natural remedy for Demodectic and Sarcoptic.

    3 tablespoon of borax 2 cups of hot Desolve bórax 2 cups of hot water 16 oz of 3% peroxide

    The Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Borax - Earth Clinic

    Borax is a natural remedy with many health benefits, including treating conditions like arthritis, trigger finger, osteoporosis, and parathyroid issues. It can also balance calcium and magnesium levels and act as a natural aphrodisiac.

    0:16 - What is Borax and Why Use It? 0:44 - Borax Helps These Conditions 1:59 - How to make a borax solution that provides 2 mg of boron per 1 teaspoon serving. 2:56 - How to make Ted's Famous Borax Solution.

     Health Issues That Benefit from Borax:

    • Arthritis
    • Trigger Finger and Trigger Thumb
    • Osteoporosis
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Bone Spurs
    • Calcium Deposits
    • Lupus
    • Autoimmune Disease
    • Hormone Imbalances
    • Fungal Infections (Candida, Ringworm, Tinea Versicolor)
    • Insomnia
    • Skin Conditions
    • Impotence

    Other uses of borax




    Hair Care

    Borax Helps with Detoxification

    Borax in Agriculture

    Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid taking borax internally.

    Boost Testosterone and More with Borax for Men - Earth Clinic

    Ted's famous natural remedy that uses borax to boost free testosterone and treat a wide range of health conditions in men, including osteoarthritis, back pain, hip pain, meniscus tears, fungus, rosacea, seb derm, fibromyalgia, and more.

    Ted from Bangkok's famous borax solution for women to treat osteoarthritis, inflammatory conditions, heavy metal poisoning, fungus, joint pain, fibromyalgia and more. Borax can also boost the immune system and balance hormones naturally.

    Borax for Heavy Metal Detox, Fluoride Poisoning, Inflammation, Joint Pain - Earth Clinic

    Borax natural remedy for heavy metal detox, fluoride poisoning, inflammation, and joint pain with Walter Last's low dose borax solution. This solution provides just 3mg of boron per serving, making it a good starting dosage for arthritis, fibromyalgia, heart disease, and many other conditions.

    Discover an effective trigger finger treatment that utilizes natural minerals to relieve pain and inflammation. Avoid surgery with this proven remedy for trigger finger and trigger thumb. This video covers everything you need to know about using natural minerals to treat popping, clicking, and joint pain, even in advanced cases where cortisone shots have failed.

    While borax has many health benefits, it can also have side effects if not used properly. Learn about the potential borax side effects and how to use it safely from Earth Clinic.

    Natural Cancer And Informative Health: Home Remedies for Mange | Ted's Famous Borax for Mange Treatment(Cats and dogs)

    Borax, also known as sodium borate, is a naturally occurring mineral that is sometimes used in alternative health practices. While borax has applications in cleaning and industrial products, claims about its health benefits should be approached with caution. Misuse or overconsumption of borax can lead to serious health issues, and it is not approved as a dietary supplement in many countries.

    Here are 100 claimed benefits and uses of borax in alternative health and wellness contexts. Please note that many of these are anecdotal and lack substantial scientific backing:

    Skin and Body Health

    1. Acts as a natural antifungal agent.
    2. Helps manage athlete’s foot.
    3. Treats ringworm.
    4. Relieves eczema symptoms.
    5. Soothes psoriasis.
    6. Reduces skin itching.
    7. Neutralizes body odor.
    8. Helps with acne by reducing bacteria.
    9. Aids in removing warts.
    10. Reduces skin inflammation.
    11. Acts as a natural cleanser.
    12. Balances skin pH levels.
    13. Removes dead skin cells.
    14. Detoxifies the skin.

    Bone and Joint Health

    1. Improves calcium metabolism for stronger bones.
    2. Supports joint lubrication.
    3. Helps alleviate symptoms of arthritis.
    4. Reduces joint stiffness.
    5. Prevents osteoporosis by enhancing bone density.
    6. Eases inflammation in joints.

    Oral Health

    1. Acts as a natural mouthwash.
    2. Combats bad breath.
    3. Fights oral thrush.
    4. Helps with gum infections.
    5. Whitens teeth naturally.
    6. Reduces plaque buildup.

    Immune System Support

    1. Enhances immune response.
    2. Fights candida overgrowth.
    3. Acts as a detoxifying agent.
    4. Kills harmful microbes.
    5. Helps in heavy metal detoxification.

    Pain Management

    1. Reduces muscle pain.
    2. Eases back pain.
    3. Alleviates chronic pain conditions.
    4. Soothes fibromyalgia symptoms.
    5. Reduces menstrual cramps.

    Digestive Health

    1. Balances gut bacteria.
    2. Helps manage bloating.
    3. Aids in candida detox in the digestive system.
    4. Improves bowel regularity.
    5. Helps in reducing acidity levels.

    Energy and Metabolism

    1. Improves cellular energy production.
    2. Boosts metabolism.
    3. Reduces chronic fatigue symptoms.
    4. Enhances overall vitality.
    5. Supports thyroid function.

    Mental and Emotional Health

    1. Reduces brain fog.
    2. Supports healthy neurotransmitter function.
    3. May aid in depression relief.
    4. Improves mental clarity.
    5. Reduces stress levels.

    Urinary and Reproductive Health

    1. Helps manage urinary tract infections.
    2. Reduces bladder inflammation.
    3. Eases symptoms of vaginal infections.
    4. May regulate hormonal balance.
    5. Improves reproductive health.
    6. Alleviates symptoms of PCOS.

    Respiratory Health

    1. Acts as a decongestant.
    2. Helps alleviate asthma symptoms.
    3. Reduces lung inflammation.
    4. Combats sinus infections.

    Anti-Parasitic Uses

    1. Kills lice naturally.
    2. Fights intestinal parasites.
    3. Acts as a natural remedy for scabies.
    4. Prevents mite infestations.

    Detoxification and Anti-Toxin Properties

    1. Removes fluoride from the body.
    2. Helps in aluminum detoxification.
    3. Neutralizes environmental toxins.
    4. Aids in heavy metal detox.
    5. Purifies water.

    Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

    1. Reduces systemic inflammation.
    2. Alleviates swelling from injuries.
    3. Helps manage chronic inflammatory conditions.

    Heart and Circulatory Health

    1. Improves circulation.
    2. Supports healthy blood pressure levels.
    3. Reduces risk of blood clots.
    4. Helps regulate cholesterol levels.

    Skin and Hair Care

    1. Reduces dandruff.
    2. Promotes healthy scalp conditions.
    3. Strengthens hair follicles.
    4. Fights lice infestations in hair.
    5. Cleanses hair of buildup.

    Household and Hygiene Uses

    1. Natural deodorizer.
    2. Effective for foot soaks.
    3. Removes mold and mildew from surfaces.
    4. Acts as a natural laundry booster.
    5. Purifies drinking water in small, safe quantities.

    Women’s Health

    1. Balances estrogen levels.
    2. Helps alleviate menopausal symptoms.
    3. Reduces hot flashes.
    4. Supports ovulation in women with hormonal imbalances.

    Men’s Health

    1. Boosts testosterone levels.
    2. Supports prostate health.
    3. May improve sperm quality.
    4. Reduces symptoms of male infertility.

    General Wellness

    1. Supports cellular health.
    2. Improves nutrient absorption.
    3. Aids in overall detox processes.
    4. Promotes longevity.
    5. Acts as an anti-aging agent.

    Important Caution

    It is not intended for ingestion unless supervised by a qualified healthcare professional in areas where its use as a supplement is considered safe. Misuse can cause nausea, vomiting, and kidney issues. Always consult a professional before considering any alternative treatments involving borax.

    Enhanced Detoxification

    1. Supports liver detoxification.
    2. Removes arsenic from the body.
    3. Detoxifies glyphosate exposure.
    4. Helps eliminate pesticide residues.
    5. Acts as a natural chelating agent.
    6. Binds with fluoride for excretion.
    7. Supports kidney detox.
    8. Balances pH in the bloodstream.
    9. Improves lymphatic drainage.
    10. Assists in parasite detox protocols.

    Skin Care Enhancements

    1. Reduces dark spots.
    2. Improves skin elasticity.
    3. Minimizes wrinkles.
    4. Prevents skin infections.
    5. Promotes healing of cuts and wounds.
    6. Helps in managing oily skin.
    7. Reduces redness caused by rosacea.
    8. Acts as an exfoliating agent.
    9. Prevents fungal infections under nails.
    10. Treats insect bites and stings.

    Hormonal Health

    1. Supports adrenal gland function.
    2. May improve insulin sensitivity.
    3. Regulates cortisol levels.
    4. Balances progesterone.
    5. Improves testosterone production in women.
    6. Helps in managing endometriosis.
    7. Relieves PMS symptoms.
    8. Eases hormone-related migraines.
    9. Assists in balancing thyroid hormones.
    10. Reduces symptoms of estrogen dominance.

    Hair and Scalp Health

    1. Treats itchy scalp.
    2. Reduces scalp psoriasis.
    3. Improves hair texture.
    4. Helps remove lice eggs.
    5. Acts as a natural clarifier.
    6. Repairs damaged hair strands.
    7. Promotes shine in hair.
    8. Reduces hair loss.
    9. Prevents fungal scalp infections.
    10. Helps manage alopecia.

    Pain and Inflammation Management

    1. Reduces tendonitis pain.
    2. Alleviates carpal tunnel syndrome.
    3. Soothes nerve pain.
    4. Improves symptoms of gout.
    5. Reduces inflammation in bursitis.
    6. Alleviates symptoms of plantar fasciitis.
    7. Helps reduce inflammation in chronic conditions.
    8. Relieves muscle cramps.
    9. May help manage inflammatory bowel disease.
    10. Soothes sore muscles post-exercise.

    Digestive Support

    1. Promotes healthy stomach lining.
    2. Reduces symptoms of acid reflux.
    3. Helps in eliminating intestinal yeast overgrowth.
    4. Supports microbiome balance.
    5. Aids in food sensitivity recovery.
    6. May reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
    7. Enhances digestion of proteins.
    8. Reduces intestinal gas.
    9. Helps regulate bowel movements.
    10. Supports liver enzyme function.

    Respiratory and Sinus Health

    1. May reduce inflammation in bronchitis.
    2. Helps soothe dry throat.
    3. Promotes mucus thinning.
    4. Reduces nasal congestion.
    5. Soothes irritated airways.
    6. Acts as a mild antiseptic for sinuses.
    7. Helps alleviate chronic sinusitis.
    8. Supports recovery from respiratory infections.
    9. Improves oxygen utilization.
    10. May reduce environmental allergies.

    Circulatory and Heart Health

    1. Reduces oxidative stress in blood vessels.
    2. Improves endothelial function.
    3. Enhances capillary health.
    4. Supports blood sugar regulation.
    5. Reduces symptoms of varicose veins.
    6. Balances mineral ratios for heart health.
    7. Improves recovery from blood clot issues.
    8. Promotes healthy hemoglobin levels.
    9. Reduces oxidative damage in cardiovascular tissues.
    10. Assists in blood pressure regulation.

    Immune System Boosting

    1. May reduce chronic infections.
    2. Enhances white blood cell production.
    3. Acts as a mild antiviral agent.
    4. Combats fungal overgrowth.
    5. Reduces systemic bacterial infections.
    6. Supports autoimmune disease recovery.
    7. Boosts resilience to common colds.
    8. Helps regulate immune overactivation.
    9. Eases chronic inflammation in immune disorders.
    10. Promotes recovery after illness.

    Kidney and Bladder Health

    1. Alleviates urinary incontinence.
    2. Helps reduce kidney stone formation.
    3. Eases interstitial cystitis symptoms.
    4. Reduces urinary tract inflammation.
    5. Supports healthy urine flow.
    6. Neutralizes acidic urine.
    7. Prevents bacterial buildup in the bladder.
    8. May reduce proteinuria (protein in urine).
    9. Protects kidney function from oxidative stress.
    10. Supports balanced electrolyte levels in the kidneys.

    Metabolic and Cellular Support

    1. Boosts enzyme activity in cells.
    2. Regulates magnesium levels.
    3. Assists in maintaining healthy mitochondrial function.
    4. Improves calcium-magnesium balance.
    5. Supports proper sodium-potassium ratios.
    6. Enhances metabolic efficiency.
    7. Reduces oxidative stress at the cellular level.
    8. Stimulates healthy DNA repair mechanisms.
    9. Aids in electrolyte balancing.
    10. Reduces metabolic acidosis.

    Immune System Defense

    1. Helps combat biofilm buildup.
    2. Fights drug-resistant fungal strains.
    3. Reduces susceptibility to chronic infections.
    4. Supports recovery from viral illnesses.
    5. Modulates immune overreactions in allergies.
    6. Protects against chronic yeast infections.
    7. Assists in eradicating mold-related illnesses.
    8. Neutralizes bacterial endotoxins.
    9. Supports immune memory.
    10. Reduces histamine overproduction.

    Bone and Joint Longevity

    1. Stimulates cartilage regeneration.
    2. Enhances flexibility in connective tissues.
    3. Reduces risks of joint deformities.
    4. Supports recovery from ligament injuries.
    5. Aids in the repair of micro-fractures in bones.
    6. Reduces symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis.
    7. Balances mineral deposits in bones.
    8. Improves bone marrow health.
    9. Enhances the effects of Vitamin D.
    10. Protects against brittle bones.

    Skin Care Applications

    1. Soothes dry, cracked heels.
    2. Acts as a natural astringent.
    3. Reduces bacterial skin infections.
    4. Promotes even skin tone.
    5. Eases symptoms of poison ivy or oak.
    6. Relieves diaper rash.
    7. Clears up fungal infections in skin folds.
    8. Prevents boils.
    9. Reduces swelling from insect bites.
    10. Protects against bedsores.

    Reproductive Health (Women)

    1. Reduces symptoms of uterine fibroids.
    2. Supports recovery from ovarian cysts.
    3. Helps manage hormonal acne.
    4. Regulates menstrual cycles.
    5. Reduces pain from pelvic inflammatory disease.
    6. May ease symptoms of vaginismus.
    7. Improves cervical mucus quality.
    8. Supports uterine lining health.
    9. Reduces risk of yeast infections during pregnancy.
    10. Promotes post-partum recovery.

    Reproductive Health (Men)

    1. Increases libido.
    2. Improves sperm motility.
    3. Reduces prostate inflammation.
    4. Protects testicular tissue from oxidative stress.
    5. Enhances sexual stamina.
    6. May reduce erectile dysfunction.
    7. Aids in hormonal balance in aging men.
    8. Promotes recovery from prostatitis.
    9. Supports healthy androgen production.
    10. Improves reproductive longevity.

    Nervous System Support

    1. Reduces nerve inflammation.
    2. Supports recovery from neuropathy.
    3. Promotes myelin sheath regeneration.
    4. Enhances neuroplasticity.
    5. Protects against neurodegeneration.
    6. Improves coordination in motor functions.
    7. May reduce symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS).
    8. Balances overactive nerve signaling.
    9. Relieves trigeminal neuralgia symptoms.
    10. Supports healthy brain-to-muscle communication.

    Anti-Microbial Properties

    1. Combats athlete’s foot infections.
    2. Acts as a mild disinfectant for wounds.
    3. Prevents fungal infections in public showers.
    4. Destroys mold spores in the body.
    5. Helps manage biofilm in chronic infections.
    6. May reduce staphylococcus growth.
    7. Supports skin disinfection before minor surgery.
    8. Controls dandruff caused by fungal infections.
    9. Helps sterilize nail clippers and razors.
    10. Prevents bacterial contamination on surfaces.

    Detoxification Benefits

    1. May reduce symptoms of heavy metal poisoning.
    2. Helps eliminate pesticides from tissues.
    3. Supports cleansing of lymph nodes.
    4. Acts as a co-factor in detox pathways.
    5. Reduces buildup of industrial chemicals in tissues.
    6. Promotes sweating for toxin elimination.
    7. Detoxifies from foodborne contaminants.
    8. Reduces toxic effects of artificial additives.
    9. Enhances excretion of harmful plastic residues.
    10. Aids in detox from household pollutants.

    Wellness and Longevity

    1. Boosts natural energy levels.
    2. Promotes overall vitality.
    3. Supports anti-aging protocols.
    4. Enhances sleep quality.
    5. Improves mood stability.
    6. Supports longevity through mineral balance.
    7. Reduces risk of degenerative diseases.
    8. Eases symptoms of age-related conditions.
    9. Improves resilience to environmental stressors.
    10. Promotes overall well-being in long-term use (under supervision).

    Saturday, December 14, 2024

    The best way to take Chinese Medicine

    Medicine for dizzy, headache, eye problem, sore throat, take 1 hour after food

    Medicine for Stomach, liver and kidneys take before food.

    Medicine for hand and legs, take before food.

    Medicine for bone marrow,  take at night.

    Tonic herbs to improve qi like ginseng, western ginseng, take on empty stomach.

    Deworm and clear colon medicine take on empty stomach.

    Medicine for sleep take before sleep.

    Vomit, take a little medicine each time.

    Food that are not worth their high price!

    Choose chinese herbs

    Heart attack

    Got in serious accident but the person looks fine. He/she will die soon!

    Honey and other 3 good things to moisturize the throat and improve immun...

    Sore throat 

    Friday, December 13, 2024

    Overnight food that can and cannot be consumed

    Can consume even when left overnight

    Overnight Coffee Yes

    Overnight Rice Yes

    Overnight Vegetables Yes

    Overnight Meat(full heated up) Yes

    Cannot consume when left overnight

    Overnight milk tea! No

    Overnight sushi! Definitely No

    Overnight black fungus! Definitely No

    Overnight fruit salad! No


    Food to avoid after taking medicine

    Thursday, December 12, 2024

    Healing cinnamon

    肉桂~解決高血壓三高•心臟病•糖尿病•脂肪肝,关节炎,胃痛, 经痛, 泌尿道感染!如何選擇和吃肉桂?

    Cinnamon is effective for these diseases:

    3 highs High cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar and heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver, gastric pain, arthritis, period pain, Urinary tract infections(UTI)

    Not suitable for pregnant woman!

    (20+) Facebook


    1 pc Cinnamon+5 cloves

    Drink on empty stomach or before food. Reuse spices 3 times

    Cinnamon is indeed recognized for its potential benefits in managing certain health conditions, especially when used as part of a balanced lifestyle. Here’s a detailed explanation based on your list:

    Effective for the Following Conditions:

    1. The "Three Highs" (High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar):

      • Cholesterol: Cinnamon may help reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) while improving HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
      • Blood Pressure: Some studies suggest cinnamon can help relax blood vessels, leading to lower blood pressure.
      • Blood Sugar: Cinnamon is particularly noted for its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and lower fasting blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for people with diabetes or prediabetes.
    2. Heart Disease:

      • By improving cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation, cinnamon may lower the risk of cardiovascular issues.
    3. Diabetes:

      • Regular consumption of cinnamon in controlled amounts may help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing diabetes-related complications.
    4. Fatty Liver:

      • Cinnamon's anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve insulin resistance can help manage non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
    5. Gastric Pain:

      • Cinnamon contains compounds that may reduce bloating, indigestion, and inflammation in the stomach lining.
    6. Arthritis:

      • Its anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis.
    7. Period Pain:

      • Cinnamon has been traditionally used to reduce menstrual cramps due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.


    • Not Suitable for Pregnant Women:
      • Cinnamon in high doses may stimulate uterine contractions, which can pose risks during pregnancy.
      • Pregnant women should consult a healthcare provider before consuming cinnamon in medicinal amounts.

    Additional Notes:

    • Dosage: Use cinnamon in moderation, as excessive amounts can lead to potential side effects, such as liver toxicity (particularly with cassia cinnamon, which contains coumarin).
    • Consultation: Always consult a healthcare professional before using cinnamon as a therapeutic remedy, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medications.

    Here’s a detailed compilation of 200 potential health benefits of cinnamon, taking into account its wide-ranging properties and applications for various conditions:

    General Health Benefits

    1. Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol).
    2. Raises HDL (good cholesterol).
    3. Reduces triglycerides.
    4. Improves overall heart health.
    5. Stabilizes blood sugar levels.
    6. Enhances insulin sensitivity.
    7. Reduces fasting blood glucose.
    8. Aids in the management of type 2 diabetes.
    9. Lowers risk of metabolic syndrome.
    10. Reduces blood pressure.

    Anti-inflammatory Properties

    1. Relieves arthritis pain.
    2. Eases joint inflammation.
    3. Improves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
    4. Alleviates muscle soreness.
    5. Reduces post-exercise inflammation.
    6. Mitigates chronic inflammation.
    7. Supports recovery from injury.
    8. Reduces respiratory inflammation.
    9. Soothes inflammatory skin conditions.
    10. Combats inflammation linked to chronic diseases.

    Digestive Health

    1. Relieves gastric pain.
    2. Reduces bloating.
    3. Combats indigestion.
    4. Eases nausea.
    5. Stimulates appetite.
    6. Improves gut motility.
    7. Promotes healthy gut bacteria.
    8. Alleviates symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
    9. Reduces risk of ulcers.
    10. Enhances nutrient absorption.

    Liver and Detoxification

    1. Supports liver detoxification.
    2. Improves liver enzyme balance.
    3. Reduces fatty liver symptoms.
    4. Protects the liver from oxidative damage.
    5. Assists in toxin removal.
    6. Enhances bile production.
    7. Reduces liver inflammation.
    8. Prevents liver fibrosis.
    9. Supports non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) recovery.
    10. Promotes liver cell regeneration.

    Brain and Cognitive Health

    1. Boosts memory retention.
    2. Improves focus and concentration.
    3. Protects against neurodegenerative diseases.
    4. Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
    5. Slows progression of Parkinson’s disease.
    6. Combats oxidative stress in the brain.
    7. Improves cognitive function.
    8. Enhances mood and reduces anxiety.
    9. Alleviates symptoms of depression.
    10. Supports healthy brain aging.

    Immune System Support

    1. Strengthens immune response.
    2. Helps fight viral infections.
    3. Combats bacterial infections.
    4. Reduces risk of fungal infections.
    5. Enhances resistance to colds.
    6. Alleviates flu symptoms.
    7. Provides antifungal benefits (e.g., Candida).
    8. Supports recovery from infections.
    9. Boosts production of white blood cells.
    10. Acts as an antimicrobial agent.

    Respiratory Health

    1. Soothes sore throat.
    2. Relieves nasal congestion.
    3. Eases symptoms of asthma.
    4. Reduces mucus build-up.
    5. Prevents respiratory infections.
    6. Improves lung function.
    7. Reduces coughing fits.
    8. Acts as a natural decongestant.
    9. Helps clear sinus infections.
    10. Improves airflow in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Antioxidant Effects

    1. Neutralizes free radicals.
    2. Protects cells from oxidative damage.
    3. Enhances longevity.
    4. Slows aging process.
    5. Reduces oxidative stress in organs.
    6. Protects skin from environmental damage.
    7. Improves skin elasticity.
    8. Reduces risk of cancer development.
    9. Enhances wound healing.
    10. Preserves DNA integrity.
    Reproductive Health
    1. Alleviates menstrual cramps.
    2. Regulates menstrual cycles.
    3. Reduces heavy bleeding.
    4. Relieves PMS symptoms.
    5. Balances hormone levels.
    6. Improves fertility in women.
    7. Boosts libido.
    8. Aids in post-partum recovery.
    9. Relieves menopause symptoms.
    10. Enhances sexual performance.

    Weight Management

    1. Boosts metabolism.
    2. Enhances fat burning.
    3. Reduces cravings for sugar.
    4. Controls appetite.
    5. Supports healthy weight loss.
    6. Prevents weight gain.
    7. Improves energy levels.
    8. Helps reduce visceral fat.
    9. Regulates fat metabolism.
    10. Reduces risks linked to obesity.

    Oral and Dental Health

    1. Freshens breath.
    2. Combats bad breath (halitosis).
    3. Fights gum disease.
    4. Reduces risk of cavities.
    5. Inhibits growth of oral bacteria.
    6. Prevents oral infections.
    7. Strengthens gums.
    8. Soothes oral inflammation.
    9. Promotes oral hygiene.
    10. Helps whiten teeth naturally.

    Skin and Hair Benefits

    1. Clears acne.
    2. Reduces acne scars.
    3. Brightens skin tone.
    4. Soothes dry skin.
    5. Combats fungal skin infections.
    6. Prevents wrinkles.
    7. Promotes collagen production.
    8. Stimulates hair growth.
    9. Reduces dandruff.
    10. Adds shine to hair.

    Cancer Prevention and Support

    1. Inhibits tumor growth.
    2. Reduces risk of colon cancer.
    3. Protects against breast cancer.
    4. Combats prostate cancer.
    5. Prevents DNA mutations.
    6. Reduces metastasis.
    7. Improves efficacy of chemotherapy.
    8. Reduces oxidative damage in cancer cells.
    9. Acts as an adjunct in cancer therapy.
    10. Enhances quality of life during cancer treatment.

    Cardiovascular Health

    1. Improves circulation.
    2. Prevents blood clots.
    3. Reduces plaque buildup in arteries.
    4. Lowers risk of stroke.
    5. Improves oxygen delivery to tissues.
    6. Reduces risk of atherosclerosis.
    7. Strengthens heart muscles.
    8. Enhances cardiovascular endurance.
    9. Improves recovery after a heart attack.
    10. Promotes vascular health.

    Bone and Joint Health

    1. Prevents bone loss.
    2. Supports bone density.
    3. Aids in recovery from fractures.
    4. Reduces risk of osteoporosis.
    5. Promotes cartilage health.
    6. Alleviates symptoms of gout.
    7. Enhances joint lubrication.
    8. Reduces stiffness in joints.
    9. Supports recovery from joint injuries.
    10. Improves flexibility.

    Miscellaneous Benefits

    1. Enhances wound healing.
    2. Reduces scar formation.
    3. Promotes restful sleep.
    4. Combats insomnia.
    5. Improves athletic performance.
    6. Supports healthy vision.
    7. Enhances hearing.
    8. Promotes detoxification of kidneys.
    9. Reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
    10. Improves endurance during physical activities.

    Longevity and Aging

    1. Protects against age-related decline.
    2. Supports DNA repair mechanisms.
    3. Reduces risk of age-related diseases.
    4. Slows cellular aging.
    5. Enhances mitochondrial health.
    6. Increases lifespan (in animal studies).
    7. Prevents age spots.
    8. Supports healthy skin aging.
    9. Protects against sarcopenia (muscle loss with aging).
    10. Reduces oxidative damage linked to aging.

    Mood and Stress Management

    1. Reduces stress levels.
    2. Improves mental clarity.
    3. Alleviates symptoms of ADHD.
    4. Acts as a natural antidepressant.
    5. Enhances emotional resilience.
    6. Promotes relaxation.
    7. Combats mood swings.
    8. Enhances sense of well-being.
    9. Improves quality of life.
    10. Helps balance emotional health.

    Antimicrobial and Antifungal Effects

    1. Combats foodborne pathogens.
    2. Reduces risk of food poisoning.
    3. Preserves food naturally.
    4. Combats E. coli bacteria.
    5. Inhibits growth of Salmonella.
    6. Acts as a natural preservative.
    7. Reduces fungal growth in foods.
    8. Combats mold on surfaces.
    9. Inhibits fungal infections on skin.
    10. Prevents yeast infections.

    Other Notable Benefits

    1. Improves energy production.
    2. Reduces risk of anemia.
    3. Supports immune recovery post-illness.
    4. Enhances wound sterilization.
    5. Combats travel-related illnesses.
    6. Improves health of extremities.
    7. Promotes faster recovery from cold environments.
    8. Prevents oxidative damage during exercise.
    9. Combats symptoms of altitude sickness.
    10. Supports overall longevity and vitality.