Tuesday, September 29, 2020

如何防止脫髮 │胡乃文醫師│中醫│何首烏│腎虛│健康1+1

35歲開始保養頭髮,4食材煮湯防掉髮,超便宜又好吃!按「頭皮穴」增髮又黑髮| 胡乃文開講14 名醫談養生

2.20 四物汤
This soup is effective for hair loss!


气血虚: 黄芪 当归 养血:当归 白芍 川芎 熟地 神精衰弱:甘草 大枣 小麦

四物湯的妙用與禁忌 您不可不知 | 談古論今話中醫(430)

子宮肌瘤催生工具?「四物湯」這樣吃才正確!健康2.0 20160925 (1/4)


皮膚暗淡無光、蝴蝶斑,氣血虧虛失眠多夢的治療。四物湯的功效。 (kanwatch.site)



Knee pain

Sunday, September 27, 2020


The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

Saliva coming out of mouth during sleep

     Stomach bloated, lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently, Heart burn

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily, oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes, blurred vision  

Serious hair loss and nausea , vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

Loss of appetite

Poor sleeping quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on fingernails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

6. Immunosuppression     

Thursday, September 24, 2020

负离子 - 对身体的改善

What is Anion

负离子 - 金字塔力量的重大发现

负离子 - 静电对肌肤的不良影响

负离子 - 静电与人体的关系

负离子 - 消除静电,促进健康


Monday, September 21, 2020

Some tea bags may shed billions of microplastics per cup

Tea bags releasing microplastics - how to test your teabags for plastic

Teabags: Which brands contain plastic? - BBC

Put your tea leaves into this stainless steel container ball and soak your tea leaves in boiling hot water for a good cup of tea without any plastic particles in your tea.


白牙膏加一物竟是『最强』淡化斑点配方! 7天淡化斑點, 年輕20歲!

Spots on face


Vinegar peanut


一個檸檬 60秒去斑! 每天這樣做,7天斑點就全消!

腸胃最怕這碗湯,三天兩頭喝一碗,保護胃黏膜緩解反酸 ,一晚上睡得香!

(20+) Facebook

Gastric problem

Wednesday, September 9, 2020



"Brown sugar + black beans" is synovitis "life-saving medicine" to reduc...



脊醫王鳳恩 - 椎間盤突出六招KO (中/Eng Sub) Herniated Disc, 6 exercises to improve. Dr...

木瓜加食鹽,是對付腰突、坐骨神經痛的一把好手,腰不疼了,全身輕鬆 - 健康 好 生活

大蒜加一物,不出三周,腰腿不痛了,连腰突、坐骨神经痛也消了! | 美玲談健康

我媽媽試了一週,膝蓋真的不痛了!連腰痠都好了 - 健康 好 生活



【苹果】這樣煮着吃失眠好了 皱纹少了、肠胃也干净健康了!趕快試看看吧


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

32字治肝法有奇效 肝胃不和的调理方法【养生堂2020】

The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

Saliva coming out of mouth during sleep

     Stomach bloated, lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently, Heart burn

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily, oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes, blurred vision  

Serious hair loss and nausea , vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

Loss of appetite

Poor sleeping quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on fingernails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

6. Immunosuppression     

2020回家吃饭 补钙的黄金三搭档是谁? 【养生堂】


Che qian cao 車前草 can be boiled together with China barley for best result.

轉發出去!功德無量! 原來它是最便宜的「補鈣王」!通血脈,壯筋骨,補關節,膝蓋回到20歲!樣樣都行! - 健康 好 生活

紅棗和它一起燉湯喝,毒性賽砒霜,可惜很多人還在傻傻的這樣吃! - 健康 好 生活