Saturday, July 20, 2024

TCM healing

 Lower blood sugar

Food to grow hair


Red dates tea

Jin yin hua tea

Do not drink or take cold things if you don`t want to age faster!

Che qian cao

Knee exercises

Clean your liver

For good skin

Useful lifehacks hiccups

Good spleen

Liver exercise

Stretching exercise

Food for organs

Music Therapy

For spleen problem

For lungs, coughing problem

For liver and eye problem

For kidney problem

For heart problem

Medical Properties Of Tapioca Leaves

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Kidney Info

 Medical Officers in the USA has sent this through to help each and everyone.

Please read and take care of yourself - Dr. Okyere.
The rate at which young people are suffering from Kidney disease is alarming.
I am sharing a post which can help us.

Please read below:
Barely two (2) days ago, we all received the news of the demise of the Nigerian actor as a result of kidney disease.
ALSO OUR MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, the Honorable Teko Lake is currently in the Hospital on life support with Kidney problems.
I want to show you how to avert this menace of kidney disease.

1. Delaying going to a toilet. Keeping your urine in your bladder for too long is a bad idea.
A full bladder can cause bladder damage. The urine that stays in the bladder multiplies bacteria quickly.
Once the urine refluxes back to the ureter and kidneys, the toxic substances can result in kidney infections, then urinary tract infections, and then nephritis, and even uremia.
When nature calls – do it as soon as possible.
2. Eating too much salt. You should eat no more than 5.8 grams of salt daily.
3. Eating too much meat. Too much protein in your diet is harmful for your kidneys.
Protein digestion produces ammonia – a toxin that is very destructive to your kidneys. More meat equals more kidney damage.
4. Drinking too much caffeine. Caffeine is a component of many sodas and soft drinks. It raises your blood pressure and your kidneys start suffering.
So you should cut down the amount of coke you drink daily.

5. Not drinking water. Our kidneys should be hydrated properly to perform their functions well.
If we don’t drink enough, the toxins can start accumulating in the blood, as there isn’t enough fluid to drain them through the kidneys.
Drink more than 10 glasses of water daily.
There is an easy way to check if you are drinking
enough water: look at the colour of your urine; the lighter the colour, the better.
6. Late treatment . Treat all your health problems properly and have your health checked regularly.

Let's help ourselves...God will protect you and your family from every disease this year.
(3) Avoid these Tablets, they are very dangerous:
* D-cold
* Vicks Action-500
* Actified
* Coldarin
* Cosome
* Nice
* Nimulid
* Cetrizet-D
They contain Phenyl Propanol-Amide, PPA which
causes Strokes & Are banned in USA.

Please, before deleting, HELP your friends by passing it..! It might help someone. Fwd to as many as u can.
WhatsApp is free, soo..frwrd it plz..please read and forward this.
Doctors in the United States have found new cancer in human beings, caused by Silver Nitro Oxide.
Whenever you buy recharge cards, don’t scratch with your nails, as it contains Silver Nitro Oxide coating and can cause skin cancer.

Share this message with your loved ones.
*Important Health Tips:*
1. Answer phone calls with the left ear.
2. Don't take your medicine with cold water....
3. Don't eat heavy meals after 5pm.
4. Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
5. Best sleeping time is from 10pm to 4 am.
6. Don’t lie down immediately after taking medicine or after meals.
7. When phone's battery is low to last bar, don't answer the phone, because the radiation is 1000 times stronger.

Can you forward this to people you care about?
I just did.
Kindness costs nothing But Knowledge is power...

Please send it to all your friends! _
_Do not save this message, send it now the other groups that you belong to. _
_It is for your good and that of others, giving somebody relief is always rewarding.

Cancer Info

*Summary of the Medical Conference on Malignant Diseases @cancers in Berlin - Germany*,
*Some critical points*

1. No to reusing oil.
2. No powdered milk
3. No Maggie Cubes
4. No carbonated juice (32 sugar cubes per liter)
5. No processed sugars

6. No microwave
7. No prenatal mammogram, but echomamar can be used.
8. Don't wear bras that are too tight or wear them after work
9. No to alcohol.
10. No to reheating frozen meals.

11. Do not store water in the refrigerator in plastic bottles.
12. Not all birth control pills are good because they alter a woman's hormonal system and cause cancer.
13. Deodorants are dangerous, especially when used after shaving.
14. Breastfeeding is less likely to cause cancer than formula.
15. Cancer cells eat mostly sugar and all artificial sugar, even brown.

16. A cancer patient who abstains from sugar in his diet finds that his disease has receded and he can live a long life.
Sugar = the mortal enemy.
17. A cup of beer stays in the body for 5 hours, and during this time the organs of the system work in slow motion because of this cup

Yes to:
1️⃣ Vegetables.
2⃣ Honey in reasonable quantity instead of sugar.
3⃣ Vegetable proteins like beans instead of meat.
4 ⃣ two glasses of water on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth and upon waking by drinking water kept in the room at the same room temperature.
5️⃣ Unheated meals

6⃣ Anti-cancer juice:
Aloe vera + ginger + parsley + celery + bromelain (pineapple middle).
Mix and drink on an empty stomach.
7⃣ Other anti-cancer juices: Corosol (seedless) + Bromalain.
8⃣ Eat raw or cooked carrots or their juice every day.

The American Physicians Association gave answers to the cause of cancer:
1️⃣ Don't drink tea from a plastic cup.
2️⃣ Do not eat anything hot in a paper or plastic bag. Example: potatoes (fries).
3️⃣ Do not use plastic in the microwave

🔴 When plastic comes in contact with heat, it creates chemicals that can cause 52 types of cancer.
🔴 This message is worth more than 100 useless short messages.
🔴 Inform your loved ones in order to be far away from these bad things.
Please share this medical report *as widely as possible for others to benefit from it*۔


===== ===========

1. 禁止重复使用油。

2. 禁止使用奶粉

3. 禁止使用麦吉块

4. 禁止使用碳酸果汁(每升含 32 块方糖)

5. 禁止使用加工糖

6. 禁止使用微波炉

7. 禁止进行产前乳房造影,但可以使用乳房回声检查。

8. 不要穿太紧的胸罩或下班后再穿

9. 禁止饮酒。

10. 禁止重新加热冷冻食品。

11. 不要将水放在塑料瓶中存放在冰箱中。

12. 并非所有避孕药都有益,因为它们会改变女性的荷尔蒙系统并导致癌症。

13. 除臭剂很危险,尤其是在剃须后使用。

 14. 母乳喂养比配方奶粉更不容易致癌。

15. 癌细胞主要吃糖和所有人造糖,甚至是红糖。

16. 一位癌症患者在饮食中戒掉糖后发现他的疾病已经消退,他可以长寿。

糖 = 死敌。

17. 一杯啤酒在体内停留 5 个小时,在此期间,身体器官因为这杯啤酒而工作缓慢

1️⃣ 蔬菜。

2⃣ 适量蜂蜜代替糖。

3⃣ 豆类等植物蛋白代替肉类。

4 ⃣ 刷牙前空腹喝两杯水,醒来后喝放在室温相同的水。

5️⃣ 不加热的饭菜

6⃣ 抗癌果汁:
芦荟 + 生姜 + 欧芹 + 芹菜 + 菠萝蛋白酶(菠萝中间)。

7⃣ 其他抗癌果汁:Corosol(无籽)+ Bromalain。

8⃣ 每天吃生的或熟的胡萝卜或胡萝卜汁。


1️⃣ 不要用塑料杯喝茶。

2️⃣ 不要吃纸袋或塑料袋里装的热食。例如:土豆(薯条)。

3️⃣ 不要在微波炉中使用塑料

🔴 塑料接触热气时会产生可导致 52 种癌症的化学物质。

🔴 这条信息比 100 条无用的短信更有价值。

🔴 告知您的亲人,远离这些坏事。


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

青光眼飲食禁忌 | 青光眼要緊記的5大飲食禁忌!

⚠️ 5個青光眼飲食禁忌: 1)青光眼飲食禁忌:青光眼要忌食太鹹 2)青光眼飲食禁忌:青光眼要忌喝太多咖啡 3)青光眼飲食禁忌:青光眼要忌食反式脂肪 4)青光眼飲食禁忌:青光眼要忌一次過喝太多水 5)青光眼飲食禁忌:青光眼要忌食簡單碳水


Slimming tips

Fats timing 

Best time to eat, drink and what time to stop eating!

Fats resting time. 7am to 9 am 

Best time to eat breakfast.

Fats burning time 11am to 3 pm

Drink more water to burn fats!

Fats resting time. 4pm to 7 pm

Eat more protein food, green leafy vegetables.

Fats storage time. 9pm to 6am. 

Do not eat anything if you don`t want to gain weight!

Slimming exercise

(20+) Facebook

Each exercise is 3 to 5 min. Apply coconut oil, sesame oil or other oil to your stomach. Wear massager and start to exercise your stomach.

From side of your stomach, move both massagers towards centre of your stomach.

                                                Move both massagers downwards then upwards 
Crist cross movement of both massagers across your stomach

Using one massager, move from left to right of stomach and then from right to left of stomach.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


California physician reveals the biggest lies doctors tell patients

 CHAPTER ONE_Lies I Taught in Medical School_ARC.pdf - Google Drive

朱鹤亭 道家秋冬养生08


【字幕】顧小培博士:如何令身體自製膠原蛋白?從麵包尋找消眼袋、止手汗的秘密《小培解百病》 (2020-08-27)

硫辛酸 is lipoic acid. Buy from iherb.

I didn’t expect that soaking wolfberry in mature vinegar has such a powe...


芡实, brown rice, huai shan, apple

这个至阴之处是“毒素窝”,越痛越要拍!通畅气血,排全身寒湿瘀堵|八髎穴|环跳穴|足阳明经|蝴蝶坐|脾经 | 中医养生|身体调理|气血疏通|经络养...

"人体第二大脑"一堵,毒素垃圾窜全身!3招通淤堵、升免疫,早做早安心!| 肠道调理|合谷穴|萝卜|医养生|身体调理|气血疏通|经络养生|针灸理疗...

Effective for slimming and constipation

1. Imagine there is a straight line to the left and right of your belly button. Lightly hit the imaginary line area.

2. Massage both your Hu Kou area

3. Consume white radish often to clear toxins from your colon.

Monday, July 1, 2024


00:00 精彩開場 01:36 中醫腎虛≠腎衰竭!5大警訊小心腎病變! 04:09 從皮膚看腎衰前兆!臉青黑.頭髮乾千萬要注意! 06:52 37歲就洗腎!身體一徵兆代表腎要出大事? 08:34 黑色食物養腎?中醫公開3類天然食物顧好腎! 12:30 中醫5招養好腎!防衰老、促循環的天然秘訣! 12:56 1分鐘顧腎護湧泉 14:15 中醫5招養好腎!防衰老、促循環的天然秘訣!

Warning signs of kidney problem

Friday, June 28, 2024


3. 十字花科蔬菜

【健康】補腎吃什麼最好?名醫曝3水果霸主強腎:5大警訊腎衰早發現!ft.陳峙嘉醫師 @cmdrchen |下班經濟學441

00:00 精彩開場 00:53 中醫養腎就是養命?名醫曝腎不好5大前兆! 03:44 寒性體質頻尿怎麼辦?名醫曝補腎這樣吃! 06:21 骨頭、牙齒爛竟跟腎有關?名醫曝戒一物強腎! 08:33 中醫角度看高血壓!名醫防三高的超級秘訣? 10:49 醫曝一種人最容易生殖系統出問題?怎麼救? 13:09 黑色入腎!名醫公開補腎3水果+1養腎茶飲! 14:03 名醫親授2招簡單不花錢的天然養腎秘訣! 15:33 1分鐘護腎操

熬夜耳鳴~腎水不足 多喝水。 寒性~手腳冰冷經痛 麻油炒薑+桂圓切細。 虛~不要喝冰 〔喝枸杞紅棗茶〕。按摩 腳底凹處〔湧泉穴〕。


3水果 桑椹、黑棗、蔓越莓。