Friday, June 24, 2022


吃仙人掌 ?有毒吗?它如何消除体内胆固醇 ?看这视频你就明白了?cactus poisonous ? cactus can reduce cho...

减肥 ,降血糖,治便秘 ,提高人类的免疫力,製作教學 ,一步一步做给你看.(仙人掌叶片果汁)。DIY NOPALES / Cactus Juice.

吃仙人掌 ?有毒吗?它如何消除体内胆固醇 ?看这视频你就明白了?

cactus poisonous ?  cactus can reduce cholesterol in the body ?

它的花使用6天內失眠好了 。生姜加牵牛子煮著吃两天,臌胀, 便秘好了!不用5元。Ipomoea cairica benefits。Manfaat BUNGA SERI PAGi。

牵牛子粥 材料:生姜2片,粳米80克,牵牛子1克 做法:粳米洗净放入锅中,加清水、姜片熬成粥,牵牛子研末,倒入粥里,搅拌均匀即可。 功效:泻水消肿,通便下气,水肿、便秘患者都可以食用。 藥用 作為中藥,根或莖葉均可名為五葉藤,有清熱、解毒及利水通淋之用;花可止咳除蒸。建議用量:根或莖葉4.5–10克。

治全身痛,无法入睡秘方,製作教學 .一步一步做给你看。 DIY how to recover whole body not feeling well.

Insomnia and whole body pain!

把5种切成小块 1.罗望子700g 2. 香茅 700g 3. 1KG红洋葱 4. 痲瘋柑700g 5.生姜1KG 煮沸一小时。一个小时前着火了 请记住,使用此方法后,请勿去寒冷的地方和强风。
这五种成分具有排毒作用, 这五种成分还可以清除体内的不良能量。 此方法还可以驱除身体的蠕虫萨满。

Cut into small pieces 1.Tamarind 700g 2. 700g lemongrass 3. 1KG red onion 4. lemon kaffir 700g 5.Galangal 1KG
Mix Boil for an hour. An hour ago off the fire Remember after using this method, do not go to cold places and strong winds. remember to use this method for 7 days you will recover
These five ingredients have a detoxifying effect, These five ingredients can also remove bad energy from the body. This method can also repel worm shamans.

Monday, June 20, 2022


Effective for serious skin disease, covid 19 and covid related cough, cough due to heaty body, lung infection, liver disease, cough, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, gout, kidney stone, gastritis, pimples and heart disease(clear heart arteries) and cancer

白鹤灵芝(bai he ling zhi) is effective for cleaning lungs and clear phlegm, lower cholesterol, clear pimples. This plant can helps a person to stay young.

Mashed fresh leaves can be applied to serious skin disease patients.

Drink 白鹤灵芝 often to detox and clear your body of toxins and you will be free from many diseases.

Take note: Fresh juice not suitable for pregnant woman and baby.

Buy from Blk 335 Smith Street Chinatown Complex (Basement market) #B1-144 Singapore 050335.

Handphone 9815 8835 Tue to Sun 7 am to 4 pm.

白鹤灵芝 1kg $15.


性味:味甘、淡,性平,性微涼 归经:归肺、肝、胃、大小肠经 平肝降火,鎮咳化痰、利濕.消炎解毒、健胃、润肺,凉血,利尿,杀虫止痒
白鹤灵芝草的功效与作用 可治肺熱咳嗽,外感咳嗽,慢性气管炎,感冒咳嗽,高血压,肝病,糖尿病,青春痘,脾胃湿热,尿酸,胃炎,肠炎,肿毒等症。


外用搗敷可治各種癬以及濕疹。唯鮮汁不宜多服;孕婦不宜服用鮮汁。 白鹤灵芝草日常用法 日常用量:干品17~36g,水煎服。

白鹤灵芝 can treat psoriasis, eczema, dhobi’s itch, abscess, eczema and prickly heat!


The root cause of skin disease is eating plenty of chicken, meat and fried food etc.

To cure this problem is to stop chicken, meat, fried food and take vegetarian food plus lots of green vegetables.

Take 白鹤灵芝  or other herbal drinks that can detox your body of toxins accumulated and your are on your way to recovery.

白鹤灵芝 is effective in many kinds of cancer.



抗癌:医生没有告诉你的秘密! (

活力加油站 Living Delight (2021) | 2021年1月27日:


元陽老師 中草藥學堂20 白鶴靈芝 道家真炁功

白鹤灵芝草的功效。Rhinacanthus nasutus ~(Snake jasmine )medicinal uses。