Sunday, November 29, 2020



The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

Saliva coming out of mouth during sleep

     Stomach bloated, lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently, Heart burn

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily, oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes, blurred vision  

Serious hair loss and nausea , vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

Loss of appetite

Poor sleeping quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on fingernails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

6. Immunosuppression     


The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

     Lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily,  oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes  

Serious hair loss and  nausea ,vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

loss of appetite

Poor sleeping  quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on finger nails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
6. Immunosuppression

最新一期 |国医大师的保肾救命药!辅助党参玉米须饮,有效延缓肾衰竭:糖尿病人也能用,补肾养气降尿酸![2020/07/25]【养生堂】


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

華人網友不幸感染病毒:分享求醫經歷! || 新冠病毒感染后的癥狀


中医 中药 偏方的故事:自汗盗汗 桑叶包办


中医 中药,手脚冰冷?根治仅需一味中药,中医秘方免费公开!

桂枝 辛温解表药之一,桂枝的功效与作用: (1)桂枝功效 发汗解肌,温经通阳。 本品发汗之力缓和,能调营卫之气,多适用于表虚感冒。温经通阳较强,配黄芪温经通阳以助气化。 (2)桂枝作用 1、发汗解肌:用于表虚感冒,可与白芍同用,如桂枝汤。 2、温经通脉:用于宫寒闭经及寒凝血脉引起的肢麻身冷血痹症,可与黄芪、附子、白术、桂枝同用。 3、温阳化气:用于慢性浮肿病人。此类病人皆痰饮水湿为患,肺脾肾三脏功能失调,上中下三焦道路壅塞,营卫运行不畅,膀胱气化失司,蒸化无权,水不化气,滞而为水,停而为痰,留而为饮,皆为阴邪,得阳则化,故用桂枝辛温振奋阳气,开发腠理,通调水道,助三焦之阳,为痰饮水湿必用之品。 4、温经除痹:痹乃为风寒湿三气合而为之,即相当现在风湿性关节炎。医学|教育网因本品温通经络,外可辛散祛风胜湿,内可温通散寒止痛,更能领祛风湿诸药直达病所,收一举三得之效。 5、温通胸阳:胸为上焦,内藏心肺,为阳气升发之地,肺主气,心主血脉,气血运行赖以阳气推动,胸阳不振,则气血无力推动而成心廊痹阻,即现在的冠心病之类。桂枝辛可通行,温能助阳,为温通胸阳之佳品。 (3)配伍应用 1、配芍药:桂枝辛甘温,走表则辛温发散,入里则甘温补虚;芍药苦酸微寒,苦酸清热,酸寒敛阴。桂芍相合,一辛温发越阳气,一酸寒收敛营阴,一刚一柔,一阳一阴,一散一收,相互为用。外证得之,为解肌和营卫;内证得之,为化气和阴阳。 2、配麻黄:麻黄偏于肺经气分,辛开苦泄,遍彻皮毛,专发汗而散寒邪;桂枝偏入心经血分,辛甘温煦,透达营卫,能解肌而去风邪。两者配伍,既入卫,又入营,解肌发表,温散风寒,用于风寒表证,发汗而解。 3、配甘草:甘草甘平,补脾缓中,益阴生阻,调和诸药。桂枝配甘草,专行营分而走里,辛甘发散为阳,辛从甘化,阳中有阴,补营气,益心气,通心阳,善治心悸、脉结代诸症。 4、配大黄:大黄苦寒沉降,峻下实热,荡涤肠胃,走而不守,号称将军,又有通瘀行血之功。二者相配,寒热并用各得其妙。 5、配附子:附子大辛、大热、大毒,纯阳燥烈,走而不守,通行十二经,有回阳救逆、峻补元阳、散寒之功,彻内彻外,果有真寒,无所不治。二药相伍,两阳相加,温经脉、通关节、散沉寒,用于风寒湿痹,骨节烦疼,不能转侧,屈伸不利,又可温通血脉,治阳虚阴凝,月经不调,经行腹痛之证。用于阳虚水肿,可通阳化气;阳虚感寒,可助阳发表,无大汗亡阳之虞。

不可思議的八卦像數減肥法!減肥方法千千萬 念數字也有奇效!

八卦像數減肥配方: 820·720·160·40
這組配方的方義是這樣的: 中醫的源頭是易經,醫易同源,根據易經八卦:8為脾,為人體後天之本。胖人一般情況下都是脾功能減弱,食物不能消化,寒濕不能化除,從而堆積而形成肥胖。

首先用8來補養脾氣,使脾氣上升,胃氣下降,自然達到升清降濁; 2為肺,可理腹中之氣而通經絡,助脾氣以驅寒。 820健脾運化,補益中氣,生化氣血,升清降濁,固後天之本。 7為胃,提氣補氣,除寒濕,消腫。 720調節全身氣機,溫脾和胃,利宣洩,促進血液循環,消導積滯,消腫消炎。 1為大腸,象骨瘦之人,可減肥;6為腎,主膀胱。 160洩大腸之熱邪,防大腸乾結便秘。 4在八卦中屬於乾肝臟,40可疏泄肝經瘀滯的功效 這樣看來820·720·160·40這種號碼可以補中益氣,溫補人體後天之本,同樣可以溫脾和胃調節全身的氣機,具有消腫的功能,同時還可以解大腸的熱邪,疏通肝經的於滯。所以當然就具有減肥的功效了 運用八卦像數療法治病應注意幾個問題: 像數的默念法 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8這八個數的讀法同平常的讀法完全一樣,但1要默念成衣,不能默念成腰。配方中有0,仍讀零, 每秒鐘默念一個數。較簡單的配方是一元結構,如160或80;較複雜的配方,則是二元或三元結構,如640.20或者1260.380.50,有“· ”隔開的,要稍微停頓,時間為一秒。 患者病癒後,可繼續默念原配方,一可鞏固療效,二可健身。 默念像數密碼的過程中,體內生理機能處於調解狀態,體內細胞中相應的信息能量不斷增加並向病灶衝擊,這時有的患病部位的症狀可能暫時加重;只要頭、胃、心無不適感,仍可繼續默念。 像數療法可在臨床單獨施用,也可與針刺等療法配合使用。 在治療過程中根據患者病情的變化,像數配方也可適當調整,如若默念過程中,感覺舒適,仍可守原方不動。如若頭胃心等不適時,一般可連續試念下一組配方。但個別患者出現的感應較明顯,可暫停,稍緩解後可再試。 精神不正常或記憶力差者禁用。 默念數時一定要集中精神默念半個小時以上,(早,晚,根據病情加時間,坐,臥都可以,平時散念,走路,坐車,都可以。)也可以代念,代念時手握患者手或身體即可。念時如有心和胃或頭不舒服時停念即可,換另一組念,找適合自己病情的數。還有夫妻不要在同一張床上念,並且盡量遠離電器,會干擾體內正在運行的磁場。 可隨時默念,忙時少念,閒時多念。尤其心中一動時(即心中一想到念時)馬上就念(心中一動時,是與宇宙場感應最佳時刻)即念念停停,隨時隨地,一切順期自然。但不可間隔時間過長,尤其睡覺前要集中念,在念中入睡,使其睡眠於氣場中,待醒時再念片刻,如此而行,其效更佳。

八卦像數療法 李山玉 減肥 八卦像數配方集錦 無價之寶,天下最神奇的治病方法

運用八卦像數療法治病應注意幾個問題: 像數的默念法 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8這八個數的讀法同平常的讀法完全一樣,但1要默念成衣,不能默念成腰。配方中有0,仍讀零, 每秒鐘默念一個數。較簡單的配方是一元結構,如160或80;較複雜的配方,則是二元或三元結構,如640.20或者1260.380.50,有“· ”隔開的,要稍微停頓,時間為一秒。 患者病癒後,可繼續默念原配方,一可鞏固療效,二可健身。 默念像數密碼的過程中,體內生理機能處於調解狀態,體內細胞中相應的信息能量不斷增加並向病灶衝擊,這時有的患病部位的症狀可能暫時加重;只要頭、胃、心無不適感,仍可繼續默念。 像數療法可在臨床單獨施用,也可與針刺等療法配合使用。
在治療過程中根據患者病情的變化,像數配方也可適當調整,如若默念過程中,感覺舒適,仍可守原方不動。如若頭胃心等不適時,一般可連續試念下一組配方。但個別患者出現的感應較明顯,可暫停,稍緩解後可再試。 精神不正常或記憶力差者禁用。 默念數時一定要集中精神默念半個小時以上,(早,晚,根據病情加時間,坐,臥都可以,平時散念,走路,坐車,都可以。)也可以代念,代念時手握患者手或身體即可。念時如有心和胃或頭不舒服時停念即可,換另一組念,找適合自己病情的數。還有夫妻不要在同一張床上念,並且盡量遠離電器,會干擾體內正在運行的磁場。 可隨時默念,忙時少念,閒時多念。尤其心中一動時(即心中一想到念時)馬上就念(心中一動時,是與宇宙場感應最佳時刻)即念念停停,隨時隨地,一切順期自然。但不可間隔時間過長,尤其睡覺前要集中念,在念中入睡,使其睡眠於氣場中,待醒時再念片刻,如此而行,其效更佳。

The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

     Lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily,  oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes  

Serious hair loss and  nausea ,vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

loss of appetite

Poor sleeping  quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on finger nails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
6. Immunosuppression