Wednesday, July 28, 2021

如何冲杜仲补肾茶? |养生茶饮Eucommia

【小霞・家味美食】 治腰疼、降血壓,杜仲的6大用法,看完存好!

NOTE: There is no need to add any meat to this soup.

Just using herbs alone will have good results! 

To improve efficiency of 杜仲 soup, some ginger slices can be added when boiling 杜仲 soup.

You can add  陈年花雕酒 or normal 花雕酒 when you are ready to drink 杜仲 soup.

Buy the 花雕酒 with salt added, the price is a lot cheaper than pure 花雕酒 without salt.

杜仲巴戟金狗脊腰腎湯 腰膝酸軟 肝腎不足 壯腰強腎一流

NOTE: There is no need to add any meat to this soup.

Just using herbs alone will have good results! 

素湯 巴戟杜仲蓮藕栗子湯 壯腰强腎補益氣血 可改善腰腿酸軟 護骨補肝腎

母親節快樂 巴戟杜仲牛大力核桃豬骨湯 強筋壯骨 補腎助陽 治風濕 腰膝痠軟