Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cancer Info

*Summary of the Medical Conference on Malignant Diseases @cancers in Berlin - Germany*,
*Some critical points*

1. No to reusing oil.
2. No powdered milk
3. No Maggie Cubes
4. No carbonated juice (32 sugar cubes per liter)
5. No processed sugars

6. No microwave
7. No prenatal mammogram, but echomamar can be used.
8. Don't wear bras that are too tight or wear them after work
9. No to alcohol.
10. No to reheating frozen meals.

11. Do not store water in the refrigerator in plastic bottles.
12. Not all birth control pills are good because they alter a woman's hormonal system and cause cancer.
13. Deodorants are dangerous, especially when used after shaving.
14. Breastfeeding is less likely to cause cancer than formula.
15. Cancer cells eat mostly sugar and all artificial sugar, even brown.

16. A cancer patient who abstains from sugar in his diet finds that his disease has receded and he can live a long life.
Sugar = the mortal enemy.
17. A cup of beer stays in the body for 5 hours, and during this time the organs of the system work in slow motion because of this cup

Yes to:
1️⃣ Vegetables.
2⃣ Honey in reasonable quantity instead of sugar.
3⃣ Vegetable proteins like beans instead of meat.
4 ⃣ two glasses of water on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth and upon waking by drinking water kept in the room at the same room temperature.
5️⃣ Unheated meals

6⃣ Anti-cancer juice:
Aloe vera + ginger + parsley + celery + bromelain (pineapple middle).
Mix and drink on an empty stomach.
7⃣ Other anti-cancer juices: Corosol (seedless) + Bromalain.
8⃣ Eat raw or cooked carrots or their juice every day.

The American Physicians Association gave answers to the cause of cancer:
1️⃣ Don't drink tea from a plastic cup.
2️⃣ Do not eat anything hot in a paper or plastic bag. Example: potatoes (fries).
3️⃣ Do not use plastic in the microwave

🔴 When plastic comes in contact with heat, it creates chemicals that can cause 52 types of cancer.
🔴 This message is worth more than 100 useless short messages.
🔴 Inform your loved ones in order to be far away from these bad things.
Please share this medical report *as widely as possible for others to benefit from it*۔


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1. 禁止重复使用油。

2. 禁止使用奶粉

3. 禁止使用麦吉块

4. 禁止使用碳酸果汁(每升含 32 块方糖)

5. 禁止使用加工糖

6. 禁止使用微波炉

7. 禁止进行产前乳房造影,但可以使用乳房回声检查。

8. 不要穿太紧的胸罩或下班后再穿

9. 禁止饮酒。

10. 禁止重新加热冷冻食品。

11. 不要将水放在塑料瓶中存放在冰箱中。

12. 并非所有避孕药都有益,因为它们会改变女性的荷尔蒙系统并导致癌症。

13. 除臭剂很危险,尤其是在剃须后使用。

 14. 母乳喂养比配方奶粉更不容易致癌。

15. 癌细胞主要吃糖和所有人造糖,甚至是红糖。

16. 一位癌症患者在饮食中戒掉糖后发现他的疾病已经消退,他可以长寿。

糖 = 死敌。

17. 一杯啤酒在体内停留 5 个小时,在此期间,身体器官因为这杯啤酒而工作缓慢

1️⃣ 蔬菜。

2⃣ 适量蜂蜜代替糖。

3⃣ 豆类等植物蛋白代替肉类。

4 ⃣ 刷牙前空腹喝两杯水,醒来后喝放在室温相同的水。

5️⃣ 不加热的饭菜

6⃣ 抗癌果汁:
芦荟 + 生姜 + 欧芹 + 芹菜 + 菠萝蛋白酶(菠萝中间)。

7⃣ 其他抗癌果汁:Corosol(无籽)+ Bromalain。

8⃣ 每天吃生的或熟的胡萝卜或胡萝卜汁。


1️⃣ 不要用塑料杯喝茶。

2️⃣ 不要吃纸袋或塑料袋里装的热食。例如:土豆(薯条)。

3️⃣ 不要在微波炉中使用塑料

🔴 塑料接触热气时会产生可导致 52 种癌症的化学物质。

🔴 这条信息比 100 条无用的短信更有价值。

🔴 告知您的亲人,远离这些坏事。


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