Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Cancer Cure Cover-Up (Conspiracy Documentary) | Real Stories

Indeed, one wonders why, in this era of unprecedented technological advancements in medicine we do not have cures for most chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart and kidney disease, lupus erythematosus, Alzheimer's, HIV etc. 

Now you know why. Focus on health of profit, not people or planet
How true this is. And the sad part is, most people won't believe it. The majority of the general public will consider this a conspiracy theory and look away.

This is a great info about greed and deception. It is tough to believe doctors these days, as it is all about moving patients through and using Big Pharma / FDA Only for more $$$$ in their pockets and we continue ache and suffer. 

There are other ways to heal oneself doctors don't even want to hear about. Shame on them!; they might find out themselves when they are lying in a hospital bed waiting for care, help, and understanding of their pain or sickness!

Disease prevention and eradication is NOT a sustainable BUSINESS model.
Our bodies are commodities for the oligarchs to make more money from and therefore gain more power.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Diabetes Health Talk

In this health talk, Dr. Bergman discusses the causes and cures for diabetes. Watch and learn how you can cure yourself of diabetes in just 30 days!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

(帶狀皰疹) ?斬皮蛇的秘法 Traditional method for Herpes...

這個古傳斬皮蛇的秘法很簡單又方便,從始不再痛! 生蛇是一種皮膚病,西醫叫帶狀疱疹,中醫叫蛇串瘡,或者叫纏腰火丹,又稱蛇纏腰。雖然現代醫學已經有抗帶狀皰疹病毒藥物,但能配合古傳斬皮蛇的秘法,也可幫助快速的痊­癒,減少病苦。


This method can be used for other kinds of skin diseases too!

帶狀性皰疹、皮蛇纏身,中醫有效!|談古論今話中醫(328) |新唐人亞太電視台



生 蛇 生 到 蛇 缠 腰 , 婆 婆 用一 种 野 草 泡 水 立 刻 搞 定

Pu Gong Ying (Herba Taraxaci)-Dandelion Herb 蒲公英 is effective for 生蛇

【 生蛇的藥方】請分享出去, 功德無量!│【名人健康娛樂新聞】







 雄黃一錢, 用水粉調白醋抹, 外用!

 另外分享古傳斬皮蛇的 秘法 這個古傳斬皮蛇的秘法 簡單有效,是二十多年 前,一位專門幫人斬皮 蛇的阿伯親自教我的, 他說這個方法是他們祖 先一代一代傳下來,完 成免費幫忙生皮皮蛇的 人治療,已經救人無數, 非常的靈驗!

今天公開 錄影給有需要的人學習, 把它記起來,以後有機 會可以救己救人的! 雖然現代醫學已經有抗 帶狀皰疹病毒藥物,但 能配合古傳斬皮蛇的秘 法,也可幫助快速的痊 癒,減少病苦。

Recommended  specialist for snake type skin disease (生蛇)and Mao Dan (毛丹病/毛丹). Mao dan is excessive heat in body.

Near Bukit Gombak MRT. Call the number before going to consulting her.  Payment no fixed amount. She accept red packet. 

Blk 369 unit 06-521
Tel: 65656738

Blk 369 Bukit Batok Street 31 S(650369)


Skin disease formula

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Describe how chemo kills the patients!


Cancer Centre=Killing Centre

Many Cancer patients willingly go there to be killed. Many choose to ignore alternative cancer treatment and choose to be "killed".

If Conventional Cancer Treatment is effective, I won`t create  this alternative cancer  blog!


搶救余苑綺的最後希望 !
 Japan doctor explain that chemo is highly poisonous in video below!

癌症病人身體是超級中毒而重度缺氧,絕不是缺毒而下毒致命 ! 活命奇蹟來自排毒與消除缺氧現象。