Monday, December 28, 2020

《神奇提子水》 🍇 清甜美味 😋 清肝明目 👁 清除毒素 🌈 抗癌 💪🏻 防治心血管疾病 抗衰老 改善貧血 面色紅潤😊

The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

Saliva coming out of mouth during sleep

     Stomach bloated, lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently, Heart burn

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily, oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes, blurred vision  

Serious hair loss and nausea , vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

Loss of appetite

Poor sleeping quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on fingernails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

6. Immunosuppression     

明目四君子 (枸杞、決明子、黃耆、菊花) 拯救老花眼 乾眼症 降眼壓 護眼妙方

Mingmu four gentlemen herbs for dry eye and lower eye pressure!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020



十人九痔?刮刮手指就消痔,清腸熱通氣血,輕輕鬆松,痔瘡不見了 (

《神速 止熱咳 五寶湯》👍🏻性質溫和 速效止咳 老少皆宜 喉嚨腫痛 喉嚨癢咳 去痰火 助消化 清熱解毒 潤肺止咳 清甜美味 素湯 stop co...


《神奇三豆湯》健脾補腎 清熱解毒 止咳 退熱 祛暗瘡 清甜美味 Amazing Three Beans Soup

Meat is not required. The beans alone is good enough. Can add some brown sugar to sweeten the soup.

《自製檸檬蜜》#止咳小偏方 #Homemade Lemon Honey - stop coughing

《神奇消炎茶2》#天然抗生素 #殺菌 #消炎 #金黃葡萄球菌 #肺炎球菌 #流感桿菌 #喉嚨發炎 #皮膚炎 #尿道炎 #肺炎 #肝炎 乾魚腥草 ...

The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

     Lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily,  oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes  

Serious hair loss and  nausea ,vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

loss of appetite

Poor sleeping  quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on finger nails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
6. Immunosuppression

《神奇消炎茶》 清甜美味 無腥味 天然抗生素 神奇效用 #極力推薦 #請留意烹煑時間 Fishwort

《養顏安眠養生湯》#滋潤肌膚 #面色紅潤 #健脾和胃 #改善失眠 #抗衰老 #緩解壓力 #滋陰補腎 #提高免疫力 #改善手腳冰冷 #💕 紅棗 杞...


[簡單美食EP12]《熱檸樂😜》#提高免疫力 #防禦感冒 #超級美味 #做法簡單 #豐富維他命C #驅寒 #免費訂閱 #cookingmami黃...

《簡易止咳四寶湯》 清甜美味 潤肺止咳 舒緩氣管敏感 經常進食生冷食物 出入冷氣地方

《女人至寶? 八珍湯》 四物湯 四君子湯 健脾開胃 增強抵抗力 💪🏻 面色紅潤 🍎 紓緩壓力 促進血液循環 改善雄性禿頭 男女合用 👫 清甜美味


《治療閃到腰、強直性脊椎炎》 🏋️‍♀️ 網上秘方 🥰 簡單易做 👍🏻 材料簡單 🍠 保健食品 🍷 香甜美味 😋 一試無妨

《中成藥好介紹》 六味地黃丸 耳水不平衡 滋陰補腎 腰膝酸軟 頭暈耳鳴 親身實證 腎陰虧損 盜汗遺精 消渴 骨蒸潮熱 不是賣廣告

《增高秘方》 不要錯過 Don’t Miss 適合發育中的青少年 滋陰補腎 強身健體 刺激身體發育長高 鮮甜美味 Grow taller

Grow taller formula.

Meat is not required. The herbs alone is good enough.

Can add Gan Cao (甘草) to sweeten this soup!

TCM Chinese Herbs, Licorice Root, Chinese Herb Gan Cao (甘草) | Wellness Life Coaching Community (

《中成藥好介紹2》 適用於體力虛弱 脾胃虛寒 咳嗽痰多 病後失調 機能退化 心脾兩虛 氣血不足引致的疲勞、食慾減退 純分享 不是賣廣告

《治療鼻敏感秘方》 🤧 一次見效 👍🏻 三次斷尾 👃 酸甜美味 😋 保健湯水 舒緩喉嚨發炎 止咳 治療多種炎症 分享自己的鼻敏感怎樣斷尾😂

[湯水篇EP20]《田七杜仲強身湯》 #強筋骨 #去風濕 #降血壓 #活血化瘀 #強腰膝 #免費訂閱

Can add Gan Cao (甘草) to sweeten this soup!

TCM Chinese Herbs, Licorice Root, Chinese Herb Gan Cao (甘草) | Wellness Life Coaching Community (

《神奇番薯粉》超強去濕熱 止腸抽筋 做法簡單 買一包在家看門口 速效止痛👍🏻 免費訂閱 #stop belly pain Sweet Potat...

《非一般羅漢果茶》😋化痰止咳 ⭐️治鼻炎 👃治鼻敏感 #保護眼睛 #清熱解毒 #潤腸通便 #清甜美味 #芬芳氣味 #治風寒 #治頭痛 #牙痛 #...

Saturday, December 5, 2020








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