Tuesday, May 11, 2021




No Ikan bilis, or dried anchovies
No peanut
No processed meat eg. hot dog, sausage and ham
No soya bean soup, vinegar soya bean and fried soya bean 

Soya bean drink, tofu and dry soya bean items are ok in moderate quantity for gout patients!

擺脫痛風的幾個小訣竅! 香菇豆類竟然可以吃? | 蒼藍鴿聊醫學EP141

No alcohol/beer, Fructose, or fruit sugar drink, meat

No animals organs, seafood, 

Foods that can lower purine are dairy products, coffee, vitamin C and cherry!

Pu gong ying  蒲公英 can detox well and get rid of gout.


Sunday, May 9, 2021