Monday, October 10, 2022

彩叶草~神奇的功效与作用.Health Benefits of coleus plant. AJAIB DAUN MIANA.

彩叶草    英文名稱:Common coleus    學名:Coleus scutellarioieds (L.) Benth.    別名:小鞘蕊花、八卦草、變葉草、錦紫蘇、老少年、鞘蕊花、五色草,洋紫蘇、金蘭紫蘇, 肝炎草,一點紅、彩葉莧等。
彩叶草的功效与作用 可清热,消炎,消积,利湿,解毒,化痰止咳;用于肝炎,消化不良,眼疾,咽喉肿痛,神经衰弱,肺痈,蛇咬伤,疮疡肿毒,咳嗽,肺结核,肺癌,肺积水,流感发烧,肝硬变等症。

这里有卖彩葉草减肥药 for buy Forskolin Natural Extract Weight Loss ~ Forskolin Natural Extract Weight Loss for sale   The coleus plant, a member of the mint family, is popular for its use in gardening due to its brightly colored leaves of green and purple. But that’s not all it has to offer—the root of Coleus forskohlii has been traditionally used as medicine since ancient times.
The root is rich in forskolin, a compound that increases the activity of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a messenger molecule that helps regulate the metabolism of glucose, proteins, and lipids, as well as the function of hormones like adrenaline. Liver protection Coleus also contains many polyphenols, tannins, flavonols, and other biologically active compounds. It can thus act as a powerful antioxidant.

Studies in rats have shown that coleus extracts can protect the liver from damage induced by toxins.
This protective effect on the liver has many potential therapeutic benefits. Forskolin is stated to set going a number of processes in the human body, which will favorably reflect on the health of a person.

The most beneficial and best described by the scientists action of forskolin is activating the enzyme adenylate cyclase, which plays an important role in many body processes.

Benefits achieved include increased activity of the thyroid gland, which starts to produce larger amounts of hormones; improved metabolism and burning of fats; blood vessels dilation and lowering blood pressure; lowering intraocular pressure; inhibiting allergic reactions; finally, improving pumping ability of the heart and blood flow to the brain.
Forskolin has antihistamine properties, due to which bronchodilation in patients with asthma is achieved. Its action in the digestive tract is to stimulate the production of gastric juices and improve digestion.

Forskolin is believed to affect insulin production, increasing its amount in the body.
The given element is also said to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Health Benefits Coleus is an important herb in Aurveda medicine; thus it has been used by people in India for centuries.
Historically, the plant was taken to treat gastrointestinal problems as abdominal pain, flatulence, and bloating; urinary tract infections; cardiovascular conditions, as hypertension and congestive heart failure; sleep disturbances and insomnia; and convulsions.
Modern uses of Coleus remedies include allergies, asthma, obesity, glaucoma, and skin disorders as psoriasis and eczema. The herb is sometimes used as an additional means to fight cancer. #彩叶草 #Coleusscutellarioieds#變葉草 #肝炎草 #DAUN MIANA

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