Is Cancer curable? Learn the truth about Cancer! Understand the Failure and Dangerous side effects of Conventional Cancer Treatment! Deadly Chemo or Radition is not an Option! Learn about the benefits of Alternative Medicine! Discover the cheap and effective ways of healing yourself! Avoid expensive and harmful medicine! Fight Cancer The Natural And Effective ways! REMEMBER CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE,THE WRONG TREATMENT IS! Let foods and herbs be your Medicine!
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Ear water not balance problem, ear water level imbalance
NOTE: There is no need to add any meat to this soup.
Cancer is a profitable business.
Dr. Glidden's 10 questions to ask your oncologist
1. Does the therapy you're recommending cure my cancer?
2. What causes my cancer?
3. If the treatment you're recommending doesn't cure my cancer, what can I expect?
4. What side effects from the treatment can I expect?
5. Can the treatment give me cancer?
6. How are you going to manage the side effects of the treatment if they happen?
7. What's going to happen to the quality of my life while I'm undergoing this treatment?
8. How much are you going to profit from this treatment?
9. How much is the hospital going to profit from this treatment?
10. Can I talk to 5 different patients in my same demographic, with the same Cancer, who had the same treatment, to see how they're doing?
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Western medicine works faster than chinese medicine?
This chinese video explain to you the harm of western medicine and why chinese medicine works better than western medicine.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
蒲公英 is effective for cancer
蒲公英配一宝,排毒百病消||蒲公英 天然抗生素 玉米须 蜂蜜 金银花 山楂 甘草 龙眼 枸杞 丁香 消炎利尿 清热解毒 消痈散结 感染 化脓 水肿 炎症 痈肿 疮毒 身体结节 乳痈蒲公英全身是宝,它的用法要记牢! 【老安谈健康】
汗液(一) / 蒲公英小偏方
CANCER vs. Molecular Hydrogen - Ep. 26
Molecular hydrogen water is effectively against all kinds of cancer!
Cancer is the SECOND cause of death in the US! FIND OUT HOW MOLECULAR HYDROGEN CAN POTENTIALLY BENEFIT CANCER! Statistics: 0:00 Overview of Cancer (definition, types, causes, risk factors, treatments): 1:02 Potential benefits with hydrogen 1. Reduces oxidative stress: 3:31 2. Protects DNA: 6:11 3. Suppresses somatic mutations: 8:26 4. Suppresses cancer cell growth: 8:59 5. Induces cancer cell death: 11:41 6. Suppresses the spread of cancer: 14:16 7. Aid in effectiveness and protection of anticancer drugs: 15:54 8. Protects from radiation: 18:09 9. Improve quality of life: 20:53 10. Increases survival rate: 22:34
Live Pure Molecular Hydrogen Water Generator Click HERE
Friday, October 11, 2019
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Doing the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse
The Amazing Liver Cleanse & Gallbladder Flush (My Experience & Recipe)
20 grams of epsom salt = 1.5 table spoons/4.5 tea spoons is enough.
Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) relax smooth muscle and will relax and dilate the bile duct to enable larger solid particles to pass through. Unrefined olive oil stimulates the gallbladder and bile duct to contract and expel its contents.
Olive oil triggers the gall bladder to squeeze all of the bile out so that the bile can digest the fats. Until 2:00, you are allowed to eat all the fruit and veggies you want, as long none contain fat. Therefore, the gall bladder cannot release any bile and fills completely up. When 1/2 cup of olive oil is injested, the liver and gall bladder release all their contents to digest this large amount of fat - also releasing the stones.
Depression cured by liver flush/detox
My highly recommended kidney/liver/body stones breaker.
The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.
That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.
Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.
Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes, blurred vision
6. Immunosuppression
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
自我檢測口臭法!中醫教您口臭不再找上門 &告別熊貓眼必看 |談古論今話中醫(375)
Body odour, smelly feets, smelly mouth
即刻救援 去你的口臭!從異味聞到體內災情?|健康有方20190502|三立台灣台CH29
你有口臭嗎?消除口臭其實很簡單,教你一招除臭| 胡乃文開講12 名醫談養生
Suck a piece of 白豆蔻 in your mouth to prevent bad breath. Do it 3 times a day.
You can chew tea leaves or celery leaf if you do not have 白豆蔻
Tea for bad breath
白豆蔻 10 g, jin yin hua 金銀花 20 g, some chinese tea leaves
Pour in boiling hot water and cover for 15 minutes. Drink when warm, can reused a few times.