Wednesday, October 2, 2019

How to Stay Healthy Until You’re 105 (It’s In Your Gut) | Dr. Steven Gun...

SHOW NOTES The myths of aging [01:52] Why aging starts in the gut [03:28] How to gut actually works [07:55] Why glyphosate is everywhere [10:18] Why we're thinking about heart disease all wrong [12:18] What are lectins and why are they so dangerous? [16:49] The role of fat in areas of inflammation [19:32] How your immune system reacts to misplaced bacteria [22:59] Why amyloid plaques aren't the cause of dementia [26:09] What is the APOE-4 gene mutation?[29:04] How fecal microbial transplants may fix your gut [30:39] Is the key to health in the holobiome? [35:12] Why women are more able to listen to their gut [37:03] The potential causes of autism [38:15] Foods that can improve your gut health [41:57] Why exercise can prevent Alzheimer's [44:05] The importance of "washing" your brain [46:10] Why olive oil is miraculous [49:35]

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