Thursday, January 14, 2021


Why do we want to detox?

 Because our living environment is getting worse and worse, environmental pollution and pesticide residues all affect our health😳 The source of all diseases is poison. 

Human body toxins:
99% is in the intestine. 
80% is stored in the intestine, 
75% is excreted from the intestine, 
5% is excreted by sweat, 10% is excreted by the kidneys. 

The lungs and the large intestine are on the inside and the outside, and the lungs are responsible for qi intake. The intestine is responsible for metabolism. Breathlessness, large pores, facial blemishes, decreased metabolism, obesity.
 Because the liver absorbs water from the intestine through the portal vein every 3 minutes, 20 times per hour, 24 hours a day, the liver will look for water in the intestine 480 times.

 If the intestinal feces are not excreted, a large amount of toxins will be repeatedly absorbed by the large intestine. , Which is transported to the liver, gallbladder and kidneys through the portal vein, resulting in poisoning. 

Manifestations of toxins: 
* Toxins on the face: acne, spots, allergies; 
* In the mouth: bad breath, ulcers; 
* In the intestines: constipation, enteritis, hemorrhoids;
* In the liver: fatty liver, stones, hepatitis, liver cancer; 
* In the reproductive system: fibroids, cysts, endocrine disorders... 

You must have no residue in your intestines  The accumulation of toxins leads to sub-health, and the result of long-term sub-health is illness; no detoxification, no matter how expensive supplements are, they are also waste products. 

* To be healthy, detox first, 
* To be beautiful, detox first, 
* To live longer, detox first.

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