Friday, May 31, 2024

【逆轉腎 不洗腎】打造強腎臟 要吃4種東西 【feat.江守山 醫師|健康主播鄭凱云】

1)每日薑黃咖喱飯一碟 2)每日兩杯咖啡無糖無奶 3)每日飲8杯清水 4)晒太陽每天15分鐘 5)吃開心菓每天10粒 6)少看手機早睡早起

1.姜黃 2.黑咖啡 (咖啡粉容易有黴菌) 3.喝水 4.退黑激素(開心果.咖啡酸櫻桃等含量高 看陽光勿直視30min) 姜黃 新鮮姜黃草酸高 吃高量新鮮姜黃防腎病要多喝水,免草酸 高致結石 黑咖啡 (咖啡粉容易有黴菌) 超商指定3顆豆 自備杯避免紙杯

【逆轉腎】腎臟病患這水果不能吃 一口恐致命  打造強腎臟 果汁.果乾可以吃嗎?【feat.洪永祥 醫師|健康主播鄭凱云】

Star fruit /杨桃

Star fruit contains nerve toxin/神经 . All kidney patients must avoid star fruit at all cost!
Kidney patients are not able to process nerve toxin!

超強祛濕湯【土茯苓牛大力湯】 中醫推介春天湯水 强力祛濕 解春困 解毒 治濕疹 風濕關節 健脾 舒筋活絡 Chinese healthy he...

《土伏苓牛大力五湯》(4人份) 材料: 土伏苓 80g 牛大力 (新鮮) 80g 五指毛桃 40g 淮山 40g 扁豆 20g 赤小豆 20g 紅蘿蔔 1條 無花果 30g 陳皮1片 水1.6公升

Vegetarian mock meat will do!

土茯苓的功效與作用 土茯苓甘、淡,平,歸肝、胃經,具有利濕解毒,健脾胃,護肝臟,通利關節之用。《滇南本草》:「治五淋白濁,兼治楊梅瘡毒、丹毒。」並記載用本品水煨治婦人紅崩、白帶;《本草再新》亦謂之「祛濕熱,利筋骨」。


土茯苓配防風辛溫上行之性以升脾陽,祛脾胃之濕,伍白芷除濕解毒,化濁辟穢。三藥相伍共奏化濕解毒,健脾益胃,護養肝臟之功。 現代研究證實土茯苓可增加血尿酸的排泄,可用於痛風的防治;用於濕(痰)熱所致的其他病症如高脂血症、濕疹等亦有良效。 土茯苓的藥用價值 解毒,除濕,通利關節。主治梅毒及汞中毒所致的肢體拘攣,筋骨疼痛;濕熱淋濁,帶下,癰腫,瘰癧,疥癬。

1、治楊梅瘡毒:土茯苓一兩或五錢,水酒濃煎服。(《滇南本草》) 2、治楊梅風十年二十年,筋骨風泡腫痛:土茯苓三斤,川椒二錢,甘草三錢,黑鉛一斤,青藤三錢。將藥用袋盛,以好酒煮服之妙。(《赤水玄珠》) 3、治血淋:土茯苓、茶根各五錢。水煎服,白糖為引。(《江西草藥》) 4、治風濕骨痛,瘡瘍腫毒:土茯苓一斤,去皮,和豬肉燉爛,分數次連滓服。(《浙江民間常用草藥》) 5、治風氣痛及風毒瘡癬:土茯苓(不犯鐵器)八兩。石臼內搗為細末,糯米一斗,蒸熟,白酒藥造成醇酒用,酒與糟俱可食。(《萬氏家抄方》土茯苓酒) 6、治大毒瘡紅腫,未成即濫:土茯苓,為細末,好醋調敷。(《滇南本草》) 7、治瘰癧潰爛:冷飯糰,切片或為末,水煎服。或入粥內食之,須多食為妙。忌鐵器、發物。(《積德堂經驗方》) 8、治皮炎:土茯苓二至三兩。水煎,當茶飲。(《江西草藥》) 9、治婦人紅崩、白帶:土茯苓,水煨,引用紅沙糖治紅崩,白沙糖治白帶。(《滇南本草》) 10、治小兒疳積面黃肌瘦,肚子大,煩躁愛哭,啼哭無聲,不想吃東西,大便失調,皮膚粗糙:土茯苓三錢,野棉花根三錢。研細末,加豬肝二兩與水燉服,或米湯沖服。(《草醫草藥簡便驗方匯編》)
補虛潤肺、強筋活絡的功效,性味甘平。 用於治肺熱、肺虛咳嗽,肺結核,風濕性關節炎,腰肌勞損,慢性支氣管炎,癰瘡。 牛大力作為傳統的一味中藥,不但可以用來治療疾病,而且平時可以和一些藥材相搭配,做成藥膳,對於調理人體具有非常不錯的效果。

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The 20 signs that your pancreas is functioning poorly

 Here are 20 signs and common symptoms that your pancreas is functioning poorly:

  1. Unexplained weight loss;

  2. Abdominal pain, often radiating to the back;

  3. Nausea and vomiting;

  4. Jaundice, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes;

  5. Clay-coloured stools;

  6. Loss of appetite;

  7. Fatigue;

  8. Pain in the upper abdomen or lower back;

  9. Bloating;

  10. Dark urine;

  11. Fever;

  12. Itchy skin;

  13. Difficulty digesting fatty foods;

  14. Blurred vision;

  15. Low blood sugar levels;

  16. High blood pressure;

  17. Elevated liver enzymes;

  18. Abnormal liver function tests;

  19. Oedema;

  20. Abnormal levels of pancreatic enzymes in the blood.

 20 signs your pancreas is functioning badly | Welzo

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kidney Health

 Here are a few signs that might indicate your kidneys are not functioning properly:

  1. Changes in Urination: Pay attention to changes in your urination patterns. This could include more frequent urination, difficulty urinating, or changes in the color and smell of your urine.
  2. Swelling: Kidney problems can lead to swelling in your legs, ankles, feet, face, or hands due to the body retaining extra fluid (edema).
  3. Fatigue and Weakness: Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which helps in the production of red blood cells. Kidney problems can lead to anemia, causing fatigue and weakness.
  4. Shortness of Breath: Kidney disease can lead to fluid buildup in the lungs, causing shortness of breath.
  5. Itching and Skin Rashes: Kidney failure can cause waste products to accumulate in the blood, leading to skin problems like itching and rashes.
  6. High Blood Pressure: Kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure. Chronic kidney disease can lead to high blood pressure or can be a result of high blood pressure.
  7. Nausea and Vomiting: Buildup of waste products in the body can cause nausea and vomiting.
  8. Metallic Taste in Mouth: Kidney dysfunction can lead to a metallic taste in the mouth and bad breath.
  9. Blood in Urine: This is a sign that there might be a problem with your kidneys or urinary tract and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.
  10. Puffiness Around Eyes: Swelling (edema) around the eyes, especially in the morning, can be a sign of kidney problems.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have concerns about your kidney health, it's important to see a healthcare provider. They can perform tests, such as blood and urine tests, to assess your kidney function and provide appropriate guidance based on your specific situation. 

Regular check-ups and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including staying hydrated, exercising, and managing conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, can also support kidney health.

Cut down on chocolate, yogurt, excessive meat and sea food, 

節目分段 00:43 健康的食物真的可以護腎嗎? 02:47 第十到第四名的傷腎食物 08:06 傷腎食物前三名 11:14 如果已經慢性腎衰竭該怎麼吃

Take more

藍莓 羽衣甘藍 黑木耳 豆芽菜 蘋果 橄欖油 大蒜 洋蔥 小黃瓜

素食者的魚油就是 亞麻仁油!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Amazing clove

Clove is warm in nature!

Clove is effective for cough due to "cold" in body.

Natural Cancer And Informative Health: 【有得救】教你一個神效止咳的小方法《告別咳到徹夜難眠的日子》︱Daddy Pow健康頻道 (

Clove is also effective for killing germs which causes bad breath, gastric pain due to "cold" in body, gas in stomach, stomach ulcer, gastritis, poor digestion, high cholesterol, improve immune system, increase blood vessel elasticity, slow down aging, improve arthritis, improve liver function, fight free radicals, prevent osteoporosis, fight depression, diabetes, prevent lung cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer etc.

Flu formula


Natto bean

Hair dryer users

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


【第一个,玉米。】 这个玉米含有黄体素,这种物质可以帮助我们抵抗眼睛老化,对眼睛有很好的保健作用。 【第二个,南瓜。】 南瓜中的胡萝卜素能够在体内被转化为维生素A,我们都知道,维生素A是保护眼睛的重要营养成分。所以经常吃南瓜不仅可以保护视力,还能缓解夜盲症。 【第三个,黑枸杞。】 黑枸杞可是个好东西,它含有的花青素可以预防重度的近视以及视网膜剥离,起到明显的保护视力的作用。长期用黑枸杞泡茶喝,还对中老年眼花、眼底出血、干眼症等等能起到良好的保健作用。 【第四个,菠菜。】 菠菜中含有大量的叶黄素,对预防眼睛衰老有奇效。更厉害的是,经常吃菠菜还能够预防白内障。 【第五个,紫薯。】 紫薯不仅能够抗氧化、保护眼球,还能预防各种眼病的发生,是天然的护目良药。 另外,记住下面这四个动作,也能缓解各类眼疾的发生。 第一,我们可以早起五分钟,用热水敷眼睛; 第二,平时没事也可以经常眨眨眼睛; 第三,养成定时看远处的习惯; 第四,就是要注意从暗处到阳光下,或者较亮的地方的时候要先闭目。

Monday, May 13, 2024


Drink excess chinese tea daily!

Improve Kidney Function

 常喝两种水,肾一天比一天好,赶紧存起来 (


Jin ying zi is best used with gan cao

List 100 benefits of Cherokee Rosehip(金樱子)

Cherokee rosehip, derived from the Rosa laevigata plant, is widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other herbal practices due to its rich content of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. Here’s a list of 100 potential benefits of Cherokee rosehip based on TCM principles and herbal medicine:
  1. Boosts immune function.
  2. High in vitamin C, supporting overall health.
  3. Promotes skin health and reduces wrinkles.
  4. Helps alleviate respiratory conditions.
  5. Anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Improves digestive function.
  7. Acts as a natural diuretic.
  8. Enhances kidney function.
  9. Helps to balance blood sugar levels.
  10. Eases joint pain, including arthritis.
  11. Supports cardiovascular health.
  12. Strengthens blood vessel walls.
  13. Rich in antioxidants, protecting against oxidative stress.
  14. Promotes faster wound healing.
  15. Reduces the appearance of scars.
  16. Soothes gastrointestinal discomfort.
  17. Supports liver detoxification.
  18. May reduce cholesterol levels.
  19. Provides relief from sore throats.
  20. Supports lung health.
  21. Helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  22. Reduces symptoms of gout.
  23. Relieves menstrual discomfort.
  24. Aids in reducing varicose veins.
  25. Improves circulation.
  26. Promotes healthy eyesight.
  27. Acts as a mild laxative, aiding in constipation relief.
  28. Balances mood and reduces anxiety.
  29. Helps reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies.
  30. Supports healthy weight management.
  31. Reduces fatigue and boosts energy.
  32. Promotes restful sleep.
  33. Helps reduce blood pressure.
  34. Enhances fertility.
  35. Soothes dry or irritated eyes.
  36. May prevent kidney stones.
  37. Helps with reducing water retention.
  38. Promotes healthy hair growth.
  39. Alleviates symptoms of eczema and other skin disorders.
  40. Supports collagen production for healthy skin and joints.
  41. Anti-aging properties.
  42. Helps reduce bloating.
  43. Eases symptoms of colds and flu.
  44. Strengthens the spleen.
  45. Improves mental clarity and focus.
  46. Supports the nervous system.
  47. Reduces oxidative damage to the brain.
  48. Helps in reducing fevers.
  49. May reduce the risk of certain cancers.
  50. Provides support during periods of chronic fatigue.
  51. Reduces stress-related inflammation.
  52. Enhances the body’s natural detoxification processes.
  53. Boosts metabolic rate.
  54. Protects against free radical damage.
  55. May help in reducing depression.
  56. Strengthens the bones.
  57. Promotes better oxygen uptake by cells.
  58. May reduce symptoms of asthma.
  59. Enhances the body’s absorption of iron.
  60. Promotes hormone balance.
  61. Supports cognitive function in aging individuals.
  62. Reduces muscle soreness after exercise.
  63. Helps prevent bruising.
  64. Protects against heart disease.
  65. Eases symptoms of Crohn's disease.
  66. Supports healthy thyroid function.
  67. Helps in fighting off bacterial infections.
  68. Soothes irritated mucous membranes.
  69. Improves gum health.
  70. May help protect against UV radiation damage.
  71. Reduces the risk of stroke.
  72. Helps alleviate gallbladder issues.
  73. Assists in tissue regeneration.
  74. May aid in controlling blood sugar levels.
  75. Improves lymphatic drainage.
  76. Supports adrenal gland function.
  77. Eases symptoms of acid reflux.
  78. Helps reduce liver inflammation.
  79. Promotes the release of toxins through sweat.
  80. Eases chronic sinusitis.
  81. Reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
  82. Enhances the effectiveness of other herbs in TCM formulations.
  83. Soothes irritated nasal passages.
  84. Provides relief from migraines and headaches.
  85. Protects against environmental toxins.
  86. Supports reproductive health.
  87. Reduces oxidative stress on the liver.
  88. Promotes emotional stability and relaxation.
  89. Helps to clear dampness in the body.
  90. Improves overall vitality and longevity.
  91. Strengthens the lower back and knees (important in TCM).
  92. Eases symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  93. May aid in the reduction of cellulite.
  94. Improves mood and well-being.
  95. Promotes hair strength and shine.
  96. Helps balance yin and yang in the body.
  97. Supports tissue elasticity.
  98. Eases symptoms of bronchitis.
  99. Improves oxygenation of the blood.
  100. Aids in the recovery from surgery or injury.

Cherokee rosehip is a powerful herb in TCM, recognized for its ability to nourish the body, support the immune system, and improve overall well-being. Many of these benefits are tied to its rich nutrient profile, especially its high vitamin C content and antioxidant properties.

Here’s another 100 potential benefits of Cherokee rosehip based on its traditional use in TCM and modern herbal applications:

  1. Enhances wound closure.
  2. Reduces swelling and inflammation in joints.
  3. Helps balance body fluids.
  4. Promotes healthy skin tone.
  5. Reduces the risk of cataracts.
  6. Enhances recovery from viral infections.
  7. Reduces oxidative damage to DNA.
  8. Improves nerve health and conductivity.
  9. Supports healthier blood lipid levels.
  10. Alleviates symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  11. Helps the body cope with physical stress.
  12. Promotes the health of connective tissues.
  13. Improves flexibility and joint mobility.
  14. Supports healthy aging.
  15. Eases symptoms of chronic pain.
  16. Improves oxygen delivery to tissues.
  17. Reduces oxidative damage to cells.
  18. Helps clear phlegm and mucus from the lungs.
  19. Eases coughs caused by colds and flu.
  20. Aids in liver regeneration and repair.
  21. Promotes the removal of excess uric acid from the body.
  22. Enhances nutrient absorption in the intestines.
  23. Reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  24. Helps prevent blood clot formation.
  25. Soothes stomach ulcers.
  26. Promotes the healing of gastric tissue.
  27. Eases the symptoms of chronic sinus infections.
  28. Strengthens the immune response to infections.
  29. Protects against environmental pollutants.
  30. Eases symptoms of chronic bronchitis.
  31. Supports proper bile production in the liver.
  32. Helps restore proper kidney function after infection.
  33. May reduce the symptoms of autoimmune disorders.
  34. Promotes faster recovery from surgeries.
  35. Reduces damage from long-term sun exposure.
  36. Protects skin from free radical damage.
  37. Supports the body's natural anti-aging processes.
  38. Provides relief from insect bites.
  39. Soothes irritated throat membranes.
  40. Helps reduce oxidative damage caused by stress.
  41. Eases symptoms of hormone imbalances.
  42. Supports lung function in smokers.
  43. Enhances the detoxification of heavy metals.
  44. Protects against cellular damage due to UV exposure.
  45. Eases nausea related to digestive disorders.
  46. Reduces the severity of seasonal colds.
  47. Helps restore normal kidney filtration.
  48. Provides a protective barrier for the skin.
  49. Helps prevent ear infections.
  50. Reduces the incidence of gallstones.
  51. Supports healthy collagen formation.
  52. Improves blood oxygen levels.
  53. Protects against premature skin aging.
  54. Enhances the liver's ability to metabolize fats.
  55. Helps clear heat in TCM terms (inflammation, fever).
  56. Protects against neuroinflammation.
  57. Eases constipation by softening stools.
  58. Reduces symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions.
  59. May help reduce acne breakouts.
  60. Eases symptoms of food allergies.
  61. Helps prevent hemorrhoids.
  62. Protects against age-related cognitive decline.
  63. Eases the symptoms of cold sores.
  64. Promotes detoxification of lymphatic fluid.
  65. Enhances the body's natural ability to fight infections.
  66. Reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue.
  67. Supports the health of adrenal glands.
  68. Reduces pain caused by nerve damage.
  69. Helps protect eyes from age-related degeneration.
  70. Alleviates discomfort from urinary incontinence.
  71. Enhances the healing of torn ligaments.
  72. Supports healthy production of stomach acid.
  73. Improves hydration levels in the body.
  74. Promotes faster muscle recovery after exercise.
  75. Reduces oxidative stress caused by environmental toxins.
  76. Eases symptoms of bacterial infections.
  77. Strengthens the lung's ability to clear toxins.
  78. Enhances recovery from tendon injuries.
  79. Improves the skin’s resistance to infections.
  80. Promotes circulation in extremities.
  81. Helps reduce swelling in inflamed tissues.
  82. Eases symptoms of lung infections.
  83. Protects against free radical damage in the skin.
  84. Supports the health of mucous membranes.
  85. Helps prevent oxidative damage to the brain.
  86. Enhances the body’s ability to repair damaged tissues.
  87. Supports metabolic function in older adults.
  88. Promotes healthy teeth and gums.
  89. Reduces oxidative damage to blood vessels.
  90. Enhances liver enzyme function for detoxification.
  91. Supports cognitive function under stress.
  92. Protects the brain from age-related oxidative stress.
  93. Promotes healthy endocrine system function.
  94. Eases symptoms of dry skin.
  95. Helps protect against macular degeneration.
  96. Supports healthy blood flow in the extremities.
  97. Reduces symptoms of chronic insomnia.
  98. Promotes tissue repair after burns.
  99. Eases recovery from gastrointestinal surgery.
  100. Improves resilience to environmental stressors.

These additional benefits illustrate Cherokee rosehip's broad impact on health, from supporting immune function to promoting skin and tissue repair, making it a highly valuable herb in TCM and modern natural healing practices.

Here’s a final set of 100 additional potential benefits of Cherokee rosehip, reflecting its use in TCM and herbal medicine:

  1. Enhances hydration for dry skin.
  2. Eases symptoms of psoriasis.
  3. Helps balance the body’s pH levels.
  4. Promotes the regeneration of skin cells.
  5. Supports healthy bone marrow function.
  6. Reduces the formation of gallbladder sludge.
  7. Eases pain from muscle cramps.
  8. Helps alleviate eye strain.
  9. Reduces the effects of environmental allergens.
  10. Promotes faster recovery from illness.
  11. Eases symptoms of heat stroke.
  12. Supports healthy blood sugar metabolism.
  13. Protects cells from UV-induced oxidative damage.
  14. Improves nutrient delivery to muscles.
  15. Helps balance the body's yin and yang energy.
  16. Eases tension headaches.
  17. Reduces signs of aging in the hands.
  18. Supports the healing of dental issues.
  19. Protects against bone loss (osteoporosis).
  20. Reduces the risk of diabetic complications.
  21. Eases discomfort caused by fibromyalgia.
  22. Promotes healing of mouth sores.
  23. Improves hydration of the scalp.
  24. Eases symptoms of chronic kidney disease.
  25. Supports the detoxification of the spleen.
  26. Aids in the absorption of minerals like calcium and magnesium.
  27. Helps reduce the risk of bacterial overgrowth in the gut.
  28. Supports hair regrowth in cases of hair thinning.
  29. Eases symptoms of vertigo.
  30. Helps reduce hot flashes during menopause.
  31. Enhances cognitive resilience in aging.
  32. Reduces risk of eye infections.
  33. Supports thyroid hormone production.
  34. Helps balance electrolytes in the body.
  35. Eases symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  36. Protects against urinary tract stones.
  37. Promotes regeneration of damaged nerve tissue.
  38. Helps prevent colds when used prophylactically.
  39. Eases symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency.
  40. Supports the body’s circadian rhythm.
  41. Helps reduce oxidative stress in liver tissues.
  42. Reduces symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.
  43. Supports the production of red blood cells.
  44. Eases discomfort from ulcers in the mouth and throat.
  45. Improves moisture retention in the skin.
  46. Reduces severity of flu symptoms.
  47. Protects against harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  48. Eases symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  49. Promotes better concentration and focus.
  50. Supports bone regeneration after fractures.
  51. Reduces severity of asthma attacks.
  52. Helps detoxify the liver from heavy metal exposure.
  53. Supports healthy kidney filtration.
  54. Eases symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
  55. Helps regulate sleep patterns.
  56. Promotes faster healing of corneal injuries.
  57. Eases symptoms of chronic laryngitis.
  58. Reduces allergic reactions to food.
  59. Supports natural bile production in the liver.
  60. Protects against free radicals in the bloodstream.
  61. Eases symptoms of chronic eczema.
  62. Enhances the function of the lymphatic system.
  63. Reduces signs of aging around the eyes.
  64. Supports healthy adrenal gland activity.
  65. Helps maintain healthy iron levels in the blood.
  66. Eases symptoms of chronic rhinitis.
  67. Helps protect DNA from oxidative damage.
  68. Reduces soreness from physical exertion.
  69. Enhances the body’s ability to recover from infections.
  70. Helps balance cortisol levels.
  71. Reduces the risk of diabetic neuropathy.
  72. Supports healthy nerve function in the extremities.
  73. Eases pain caused by neuralgia.
  74. Promotes the regeneration of liver cells.
  75. Helps repair connective tissue damage.
  76. Protects against environmental toxins in the air.
  77. Promotes muscle relaxation.
  78. Reduces symptoms of chronic gastritis.
  79. Eases chronic chest tightness.
  80. Supports the production of bile acids.
  81. Promotes a balanced microbiome in the gut.
  82. Helps reduce oxidative stress on brain cells.
  83. Eases symptoms of post-viral fatigue.
  84. Enhances the body’s natural ability to adapt to stress.
  85. Supports blood flow to the brain.
  86. Protects skin from oxidative damage caused by pollution.
  87. Eases symptoms of acid reflux.
  88. Supports healthy respiratory function in polluted environments.
  89. Helps prevent kidney damage from toxins.
  90. Promotes healthy enzyme function in the digestive tract.
  91. Supports eye health by protecting against free radicals.
  92. Eases symptoms of hypertension.
  93. Enhances muscle regeneration after injury.
  94. Supports detoxification of the skin.
  95. Reduces the formation of scar tissue.
  96. Promotes faster healing of blisters.
  97. Reduces muscle stiffness after exercise.
  98. Helps balance progesterone levels in women.
  99. Supports the body’s response to oxidative stress.
  100. Eases symptoms of gallbladder inflammation.
  101. Improves lung function in asthmatics.
  102. Helps reduce mental fog and confusion.
  103. Protects the body against free radical damage during illness.
  104. Eases symptoms of mild cognitive impairment.
  105. Helps reduce stress-induced skin conditions.
  106. Supports recovery from chemotherapy-related side effects.
  107. Reduces the impact of oxidative stress on joints.
  108. Promotes healing after dental surgery.
  109. Eases symptoms of irritable bladder.
  110. Helps prevent oxidative damage in the digestive tract.
  111. Promotes healthy oxygen flow to tissues.
  112. Helps reduce oxidative stress from high sugar intake.
  113. Supports the production of healthy gut bacteria.
  114. Eases symptoms of chronic sinus congestion.
  115. Reduces muscle tightness in the back.
  116. Promotes faster recovery from skin abrasions.
  117. Supports healthy gallbladder function.
  118. Helps alleviate sunburn.
  119. Eases chronic coughing related to bronchial infections.
  120. Reduces the risk of kidney infections.
  121. Eases the discomfort caused by hernias.
  122. Helps maintain healthy lipid profiles in the blood.
  123. Eases symptoms of fungal infections.
  124. Supports the detoxification of the intestines.
  125. Reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  126. Helps reduce the incidence of headaches.
  127. Eases symptoms of chronic liver inflammation.
  128. Supports normal growth and repair of tissues.
  129. Reduces the risk of oxidative damage from smoking.
  130. Enhances the body’s ability to recover from respiratory infections.

These benefits underscore Cherokee rosehip’s holistic support for overall health, ranging from skin care to respiratory, digestive, and immune system benefits, aligning with TCM’s focus on balancing the body’s energy and improving its natural healing processes.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

蓖麻油 Castor Oil:来自绝命毒物,但有20个神奇功效

▼ 影片目录 ▼ 00:00 蓖麻油 01:11 蓖麻油的作用 02:00 缓解便秘 02:47 美容护肤作用 07:37 医疗用途 09:46 蓖麻油的安全性




What You'll Learn in This Video: Cold-Pressed Superiority: Learn why cold-pressed castor oil reigns supreme and how it can elevate your beauty regimen!

The Power of Dilution: Avoid skin woes and hair mishaps by mastering the art of dilution with carrier oils!

The Goldilocks Principle: Discover the sweet spot for castor oil usage to avoid unwanted side effects and maximize benefits!

Patch Test Protocols: Ensure compatibility with your skin and hair through essential patch testing techniques!

Complement, Don't Rely: Unlock the full potential of castor oil by pairing it with other skincare and haircare staples!

Acne Awareness: Navigate acne-prone skin with caution and expert advice to sidestep potential pitfalls!

Storage Safely: Preserve castor oil's potency with proper storage techniques and avoid common pitfalls!

Conclusion: Harness the transformative power of castor oil with expert insights and actionable tips!

Elevate your beauty routine and unveil radiant skin and luscious locks with the ultimate guide to castor oil mastery.


▼ 影片目录 ▼ 00:00 丁香 00:21 增强免疫系统 00:50 天然止痛剂 01:07 维护口腔健康 01:37 缓解呼吸道疾病 02:03 维持消化系统健康 02:51 维护心脏健康 03:48 预防骨质疏松 04:37 控制血糖


Thursday, May 2, 2024


天然食物(抗氧化物 )

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

30 habits that can cause aging



Fad diets

Plastic bottles

Neglecting friendships

Holding grudges



Diet soda

Not drinking water


Skincare products

Not moisturizing

Not using sunscreen


Excessive workouts

Just doing cardio



Looking down at your cell phone

Excessive screen time

Using your cell phone in bed

Not sleeping enough

Bad pillows

Sleeping with makeup on

Poor oral hygiene

Big earrings

Not wearing sunglasses

Hair bleaching

Tanning beds