Sunday, June 2, 2019

叶下珠。有肾结石,黄疸型肝炎的人一定要看!!Phyllanthus urinaria 。pokok Dukung Anak。


Ye xia zhu(珍珠草) is highly effective for liver and kidney diseases!


Phyllanthus amarus Extract (

The liver is an organ without nerves, so no matter how tired it is, it never groans or screams pain.

That is why many people suffered from liver problems without knowing.

Liver is one of the busiest organ in the body and have more than 1500 functions.

Liver problem symptoms

Dry mouth, bitter mouth, smelly breath, body odour

Saliva coming out of mouth during sleep

     Stomach bloated, lots of gas in stomach, pass gas frequently, Heart burn

     Weakness in whole body, feeling sleepy often

Gum bleeds easily, oily face, back and hair

Face is yellow, dry eyes, yellow eyes, blurred vision  

Serious hair loss and nausea , vomit, serious acne

Uncontrollable emotion, frequent dream

Legs and ankles swelling

Itchy skin, rough and yellowish skin

Loss of appetite

Poor sleeping quality , suffer from insomnia

Pale stool  colour


Get tired easily


Increased risk of grey hair

Hot tempered

Vertical lines on fingernails

      Milk Thistle is the best herb for curing all kinds of liver diseases. 

      Milk Thistle is the only herb  that is a xenobiotic. There are poisons that you can eat that the liver or body knows nothing about and so it cannot neutralize them or get rid of those poisons form the body and they just end up staying in your body permanently doing harm.

     Milk Thistle will get rid of these poisons because it is an efficient xenobiotic that can remove such poisons from the body safely.
     Milk thistle can be bought from pharmacy.

Liver cancer is more common in men than women, although the reasons aren't entirely clear】
Risk factors
1. Excessive alcohol use
2. Smoking,
3. Liver infections such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C
4. Genetic conditions, and other concerns.
5. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

6. Immunosuppression     


为什么叶下珠可以保护肝脏?它有什么特别和别的药草相比。phyllanthus niruri medicinal uses. Kegunaan p...

Below message from Facebook

堂妹分享 😁😁😁 某位朋友因小便时疼痛,入院检查发现尿道有 2粒 4mm 的结石,肾有结石,胆囊也发现有些结石,医生给药吃减少疼痛再安排治疗,医药费需十多千,MCO 收入大大减少,觉得很懊恼,另一个朋友得知后叫他试试喝叶下珠,尽然发现叶下珠的妙用。

採集大棵叶下珠 ( 根部比较粗壮 )备用,洗干净后剪下根部对上三寸,椿烂先下锅(1.5L 水)煮半小时再加入上半段带叶的叶下珠一起再煮半小时,待温才喝 ( 饭后 )。

喝了2次再去医院检查,医生已找不到胆结石和尿道结石, 只剩下肾结石还未排出,还继续喝着,多几天会去医院再做检查,静等佳音。觉得太不可思议了 😱😱😱 无论什么生草药,效果都是因人而异 😁😁😁 P/S. 在 2020 年 12月份里 。。。 结石已成功排出了.

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