Wednesday, June 3, 2020

叶秀生老師介绍养生筷子功 Yang Sheng Chopstick Treatment

Highly recommended video. Chopsticks therapy is effective for many kinds of diseases including stroke !

Buy about 20 pieces of Bamboo chopsticks and tie together with rubber bands. Use strength from your wrists to hit your body parts that need treatment.


1.排毒 竹子本身就有放射远红外线的功能,它可以扩张毛细血管,加快血液循环,快速消除身体浮肿,排毒效果非常神奇。
2.舒缓肌肉 竹子可以缓解肌肉紧张和疏通神经,代替了传统美容师的手法,轻重拿捏自如,竹子是大自然的产物,有着大自然的灵性和能量,它...
3.改善问题性皮肤 竹子可以发放活性负离子,当竹子以及竹精油与人体深入接触的那一瞬间...
4.活化细胞抗衰 竹子的负离子可以起到安神镇定神经的效果,同时减少疲劳感,减少忧郁症,...

筷子療法 Chopstick Treatment/Therapy

Timing: 3.30 onwards Chinese language




經絡拍打清瘀毒!啟動身體修復人變年輕! 健康2.0

Use bamboo chopsticks to hit the affected area.

这里每天敲50下,白发没了、大腿瘦了,而且水肿、毒素也消失了! | 老安谈健康【中医养生】

Use bamboo chopsticks to hit the affected area.


Bamboo chopsticks can be used to hit the affected area.


Use bamboo chopsticks to hit the affected area.

I highly recommend this therapy device. It is about 60 cm. You can use it to hit all parts of your body especially your back.

I bought this therapy device at a Chinatown shop along smith street for 3.50 sgd. Do write in comment box if you know other places where  you can buy this therapy device. 

【印尼】流氓大夫藤條水蛭治病 全身打痛治中風!?|《世界第一等》804集精華版

Bamboo therapy/hitting therapy timing 2.57

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