Saturday, August 24, 2024

Acupuncture Points For Kidney Water Retention

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), kidney water retention (often related to conditions like edema or fluid accumulation due to kidney dysfunction) is treated by addressing imbalances in the body's Qi, particularly in the kidney, spleen, and urinary bladder meridians. 

Specific acupuncture points are chosen to regulate water metabolism, strengthen kidney function, and promote the movement of fluids.

Here are some key acupuncture points used for treating kidney water retention:

1. Kidney Meridian (KI)

  • KI 3 (Taixi): Strengthens kidney function and is used for various kidney-related disorders, including water retention.
  • KI 7 (Fuliu): This point is particularly effective for regulating water passages and treating edema.
  • KI 10 (Yingu): Benefits the kidneys and helps in draining dampness.

2. Spleen Meridian (SP)

  • SP 6 (Sanyinjiao): Harmonizes the spleen, kidney, and liver; often used for treating edema and promoting urination.
  • SP 9 (Yinlingquan): Resolves dampness, regulates water metabolism, and is one of the main points for addressing water retention.

3. Urinary Bladder Meridian (BL)

  • BL 22 (Sanjiaoshu): Regulates the water passages, and is used for issues like fluid retention and edema.
  • BL 23 (Shenshu): This point tonifies the kidneys and strengthens the lumbar region, often used in cases of kidney yang deficiency.
  • BL 28 (Pangguangshu): Clears damp-heat from the bladder, promotes urination, and is used for water retention.

4. Ren Meridian (Conception Vessel)

  • Ren 3 (Zhongji): Benefits the bladder, regulates water metabolism, and is used for urinary problems.
  • Ren 9 (Shuifen): This point is especially effective for treating edema and water retention.
  • Ren 4 (Guanyuan): Strengthens kidney Qi and is often used for kidney yang deficiency.

5. Stomach Meridian (ST)

  • ST 28 (Shuidao): Promotes urination, dispels water retention, and is particularly effective in treating edema.

6. Other Important Points

  • LU 7 (Lieque): Regulates water passages and is used for edema, especially when there's an upper body involvement.
  • LI 4 (Hegu): Promotes the circulation of Qi and fluids, used in conjunction with other points for treating water retention.
  • SP 3 (Taibai): Strengthens the spleen, regulates dampness, and can help with fluid retention.

These points are typically chosen based on the individual's overall condition, including their specific symptoms and underlying patterns of disharmony in TCM. A qualified TCM practitioner would tailor the treatment to the patient's unique presentation.

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