Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Support for Epileptic Seizures - Fall Disorder (neowake® Biofrequencies)

This frequency is useful for fits patients!

Frequency healing music has been explored by some individuals with epilepsy as a complementary approach to managing their condition. 

While scientific research on the effects of frequency healing music specifically for epilepsy is limited, some people have shared personal stories of how it has helped them manage seizures, reduce anxiety, and improve their overall well-being. Here are some themes from those stories:

1. Reduction in Seizure Frequency:

  • Story: A young woman with temporal lobe epilepsy started listening to 432 Hz music daily, believing it could help stabilize her brain activity. Over several months, she reported a noticeable reduction in the frequency of her seizures.
  • Outcome: Fewer seizures and improved confidence in managing her condition.

2. Seizure Aura Management:

  • Story: A man with epilepsy who often experienced auras before seizures began using binaural beats, specifically theta wave frequencies (4-8 Hz), to help manage the auras. He found that listening to the music as soon as he felt an aura coming on sometimes prevented a full seizure.
  • Outcome: Increased ability to manage and sometimes prevent seizures.

3. Improved Sleep and Seizure Control:

  • Story: A teenager with nocturnal epilepsy struggled with poor sleep, which often triggered seizures. After incorporating delta wave binaural beats (0.5-4 Hz) into his nighttime routine, he reported better sleep quality and fewer nocturnal seizures.
  • Outcome: Better sleep and a reduction in seizures triggered by sleep disturbances.

4. Anxiety and Stress Reduction:

  • Story: A woman with epilepsy found that stress was a significant trigger for her seizures. She began listening to 396 Hz frequency music, which is associated with releasing fear and guilt, during stressful situations. Over time, she felt more relaxed, which helped reduce the number of stress-induced seizures.
  • Outcome: Lower stress levels and a decrease in seizure occurrences.

5. Improved Focus and Cognitive Function:

  • Story: A student with epilepsy, who found it difficult to concentrate due to the side effects of medication, started listening to alpha wave frequencies (8-12 Hz) while studying. He reported that the music helped him focus better and retain information, which indirectly contributed to fewer seizures related to cognitive stress.
  • Outcome: Enhanced focus and a reduction in cognitive stress-induced seizures.

6. Enhanced Recovery After Seizures:

  • Story: A person with epilepsy experienced prolonged disorientation and fatigue after seizures. By listening to 528 Hz music, believed to promote healing, immediately after a seizure, they noticed a quicker recovery and a return to normal functioning.
  • Outcome: Faster post-seizure recovery and improved daily functioning.

7. Support During Medication Changes:

  • Story: A man undergoing changes in his epilepsy medication regimen experienced an increase in seizures and anxiety. He incorporated 417 Hz frequency music, associated with facilitating change and undoing situations, into his daily routine. He reported that the music helped him stay calm and better manage the transition period.
  • Outcome: Smoother transition during medication adjustments and better seizure control.

8. Emotional and Mental Clarity:

  • Story: A woman with epilepsy experienced significant mood swings and confusion after seizures. She began using 741 Hz frequency music, believed to provide mental clarity, and found that it helped her regain focus and emotional balance more quickly after seizures.
  • Outcome: Improved emotional stability and mental clarity post-seizure.

9. Prevention of Seizures During Meditation:

  • Story: An individual with epilepsy found that meditation sometimes triggered seizures due to intense focus. By using theta wave binaural beats (4-8 Hz) during meditation, they were able to maintain a meditative state without triggering seizures.
  • Outcome: Successful meditation practice without inducing seizures.

10. Overall Quality of Life Improvement:

  • Story: A holistic health practitioner with epilepsy integrated various healing frequencies into their daily routine, including 285 Hz and 852 Hz, which are believed to promote cellular healing and spiritual balance. Over time, they reported a general improvement in their quality of life, with fewer seizures and a more positive mental state.
  • Outcome: Enhanced overall well-being and a reduction in seizure frequency.

These stories highlight how some individuals with epilepsy have used frequency healing music as a complementary approach to manage their condition. 

However, it's essential to understand that frequency healing music is not a substitute for medical treatment, and anyone with epilepsy should consult their healthcare provider before trying alternative therapies.

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