Saturday, August 17, 2024

This Remedy DOUBLED My Kidney Function (In Stage 5) Why Are Doctors LYIN...

1) Calcium carbonate: Phosphorus binder 2) Sodium Bicarbonate: Reduces excess acid 3) NAC (acetyl cysteine): Reduces oxidative stress and free radicals

7:08 Calcium carbonate & phosphate binders to help kidneys
7:39 One tsp Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in glass of regular water.
NAC (N-Acetyl-cystene) is great to use (if taking anticoagulants may not be needed or good)

Reversed CKD stage 3b to Stage 2 with cordiceps, hibiscus/camomile tea, sodium bicarbonate, and acaica fiber. Psyllium is good too.

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