Monday, September 16, 2024


Success stories of using sound therapy for diabetes

 While scientific research on sound therapy's direct impact on diabetes management is still limited, anecdotal and emerging evidence from holistic health circles suggests that sound therapy may have supportive benefits for people with diabetes. Here are some success stories that highlight how sound therapy has been used as a complementary tool for managing diabetes:

1. Stress Reduction and Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Case Study: A diabetic patient reported that regular use of sound therapy, specifically Tibetan singing bowls and binaural beats, helped lower their stress levels. This reduction in stress contributed to better blood sugar control, as chronic stress can elevate cortisol, which negatively affects insulin sensitivity.
  • Outcome: The patient noted a reduction in the frequency of blood sugar spikes after incorporating sound therapy into their daily routine.

2. Improved Sleep and Blood Sugar Stability

  • Success Story: Another patient with Type 2 diabetes struggled with poor sleep, which contributed to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. They began using sound therapy music, particularly delta wave frequencies designed for deep sleep, as part of their nighttime routine.
  • Outcome: Over time, they experienced improved sleep quality and more stable blood sugar readings in the morning.

3. Mind-Body Connection for Better Self-Management

  • Experience: A diabetes support group introduced frequency healing music in their wellness program. Participants, including individuals with diabetes, reported feeling more connected to their body and more mindful about their self-care routines. This led to better adherence to medication, diet, and exercise, indirectly supporting better diabetes management.
  • Outcome: Participants found they were less likely to experience high blood sugar due to stress eating or neglecting healthy habits.

4. Chakra Sound Therapy

  • Holistic Approach: Some practitioners of sound therapy focus on chakra alignment for overall well-being. In one case, a patient with Type 2 diabetes worked with a sound therapist using frequencies to align the solar plexus chakra, believed to be related to the pancreas and digestive organs.
  • Outcome: The patient reported improvements in their energy levels and digestive health, which helped them manage their diabetes more effectively.

5. Yoga and Sound Meditation

  • Community-Based Story: A yoga group for people with diabetes incorporated sound baths and mantra chanting into their sessions. Participants found that the combination of movement, breathwork, and sound helped regulate their blood sugar and improve overall physical and emotional health.
  • Outcome: Several participants noted an improvement in their blood sugar readings and a reduction in insulin dependency over time, though they still followed medical advice.

6. Emotional Balance and Cravings Control

  • Individual Experience: A person with Type 1 diabetes who struggled with emotional eating and sugar cravings found relief through sound therapy. Using frequency music that promotes relaxation, they were able to calm their emotional triggers, reducing the urge to overeat sugary foods.
  • Outcome: The individual observed better blood sugar control and weight management after incorporating sound therapy sessions.

Though these stories are positive, it’s important to remember that sound therapy is generally used as a complementary method, not a replacement for conventional medical treatments for diabetes. People with diabetes should continue their prescribed treatments while using sound therapy as a supportive tool.

Benefits of raw sugar vs white sugar

 In alternative health, raw sugar is often considered a better option than white sugar for several reasons:

1. Less Processed

  • Raw Sugar: Retains more of its natural nutrients, as it undergoes less refining. It contains trace amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron.
  • White Sugar: Highly processed and stripped of these natural nutrients, leaving only pure sucrose, which offers no nutritional value.

2. Lower Glycemic Index

  • Raw Sugar: Typically has a slightly lower glycemic index (GI) than white sugar, meaning it may cause a slower, less dramatic spike in blood sugar levels.
  • White Sugar: Quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to sharp increases in blood sugar levels, which can contribute to insulin resistance over time.

3. Natural Flavor

  • Raw Sugar: Has a more complex, molasses-like flavor, making it a more flavorful choice in cooking or baking.
  • White Sugar: Tastes sweeter and is more refined, lacking the depth of flavor that raw sugar offers.

4. Fewer Additives

  • Raw Sugar: Usually doesn't contain additives like bleaching agents or chemicals used in the refining process.
  • White Sugar: Often bleached using sulfur dioxide and other chemicals, which some alternative health advocates suggest should be avoided.

5. Sustainability

  • Raw Sugar: Typically has a smaller environmental footprint, as it requires less energy and fewer resources to process.
  • White Sugar: Requires more energy and chemical processing, leading to a larger environmental impact.

While both types of sugar should be consumed in moderation, raw sugar can be a healthier, more nutrient-dense option.

Deep Comparison of Raw Sugar vs. White Sugar

1. Processing and Refinement

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Derived from sugarcane or sugar beet juice.
    • Undergoes minimal processing where the juice is boiled to evaporate water, leaving behind sugar crystals coated with molasses (the brown color).
    • The product is only partially refined and retains some molasses, minerals, and nutrients.
  • White Sugar:
    • Also derived from sugarcane or sugar beet juice.
    • Undergoes extensive refinement, which includes filtration and treatment with chemicals like sulfur dioxide to remove molasses, color, and impurities, leaving pure sucrose.
    • The result is a highly refined, white, and odorless sugar with no molasses content or additional nutrients.

2. Nutrient Composition

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Contains trace amounts of nutrients due to the molasses content, such as:
      • Calcium
      • Magnesium
      • Potassium
      • Iron
    • However, these nutrients are present in extremely small quantities and do not make a significant contribution to the diet.
  • White Sugar:
    • Nearly 100% pure sucrose.
    • Lacks any vitamins, minerals, or trace nutrients since all molasses and impurities are removed during the refining process.

3. Glycemic Index (GI)

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Has a slightly lower GI, ranging from 60 to 65.
    • This is because molasses slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, potentially leading to a slower rise in blood sugar.
  • White Sugar:
    • Has a higher GI, around 65 to 70.
    • It is absorbed quickly, causing more rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to insulin resistance if consumed in excess.

4. Taste and Flavor Profile

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Contains natural molasses, giving it a richer, more complex flavor with caramel or honey-like undertones.
    • This can enhance the flavor of baked goods, teas, and other recipes.
  • White Sugar:
    • Has a more neutral, cleaner sweetness due to the absence of molasses.
    • This makes it versatile and ideal for recipes where a pure, unaltered sweetness is desired.

5. Environmental Impact

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Generally has a lower environmental impact since it requires fewer processing steps, which translates to less energy use and reduced water consumption.
    • No bleaching or chemical treatments, making it a cleaner process.
  • White Sugar:
    • Requires more processing and energy, including the use of chemical bleaching agents and carbon filters to produce the desired purity and color.
    • This has a larger environmental footprint compared to raw sugar production.

6. Additives and Chemicals

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Typically contains no added chemicals or preservatives, aside from some minimal treatments for anti-caking.
    • The presence of molasses gives raw sugar a more natural, unrefined appearance.
  • White Sugar:
    • Often subjected to bleaching agents like sulfur dioxide and phosphoric acid.
    • Some processes use animal bone char for filtration (though not all producers), which can raise concerns for vegans and those looking for clean-label products.

7. Health Considerations

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Though slightly healthier, the difference is minimal. The trace nutrients in raw sugar are negligible and don't provide substantial health benefits.
    • The lower GI can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels, but it is still important to consume in moderation.
  • White Sugar:
    • Provides no nutrients and leads to faster sugar absorption, contributing to weight gain, insulin resistance, and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases when consumed in excess.
    • The lack of molasses also means white sugar may contribute more to the empty calorie problem.

8. Appearance and Texture

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Often light to medium brown in color with a coarse, granular texture.
    • The crystals are larger due to less refinement, which can give it a rustic appearance.
  • White Sugar:
    • Pure white in color, with fine, uniform crystals.
    • It has a smooth texture that dissolves quickly, making it ideal for baking, beverages, and delicate recipes.

9. Caloric Content

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Slightly higher in calories than white sugar due to its molasses content, but the difference is negligible. For example, a teaspoon of raw sugar contains approximately 18 calories.
  • White Sugar:
    • Contains about 16 calories per teaspoon, making the calorie difference between the two minimal.

10. Price and Availability

  • Raw Sugar:
    • Can be more expensive due to the perception that it's a healthier or more artisanal product.
    • Availability may vary depending on location, as it is less commonly used in commercial food production.
  • White Sugar:
    • Widely available and generally cheaper due to its use in large-scale production and commercial food products.
    • It is the standard sugar found in most grocery stores and used in packaged foods.

從80公斤減到55公斤,小吳醫師的減重奮鬥史|小宙醫學診所 吳榛槿醫師

🚪影片段落任意門🚪 00:00精采片段 00:16開場 00:48為什麼會變胖? 01:44什麼事讓我決定開始減重? 02:09有試過哪些減重方法? 03:18讓我瘦下來的飲食方法是什麼? 04:33花了多久時間瘦下來?過程中有復胖嗎? 04:50過程中生理和心理有發生變化嗎? 05:12有沒有特別補充營養劑? 05:23胸圍和膚質有沒有因為減重而變差? 05:51還想要再更瘦嗎? 06:15結尾(超勵志!)

Success stories of using vinegar to treat diabetes

 Vinegar, particularly apple cider vinegar, has been cited in alternative medicine for its potential to help manage blood sugar levels. Although not a cure, some individuals with diabetes have reported improvements in their blood glucose management when incorporating vinegar into their diet. 

Here are a few success stories and examples based on anecdotal evidence and some preliminary scientific research:

1. Lowering Post-Meal Blood Sugar Spikes

Several people have shared their experiences online, noting that consuming apple cider vinegar before or during meals helped reduce post-meal blood sugar spikes. One common recommendation is mixing a small amount of vinegar with water and drinking it before eating high-carb meals.

2. Improved Fasting Blood Sugar

Some individuals have reported that consistent use of vinegar before bedtime helped them achieve lower fasting blood sugar levels in the morning. In a small study published in Diabetes Care (2007), it was found that consuming vinegar at bedtime led to a reduction in fasting glucose in the morning for people with type 2 diabetes.

3. Weight Loss and Insulin Sensitivity

Many anecdotal stories link vinegar consumption to weight loss and improvements in insulin sensitivity. People with type 2 diabetes who lost weight while consuming vinegar regularly reported better control of their blood sugar levels, as weight management plays a key role in diabetes care.

4. Reduced Need for Medication

Some users claim that by integrating apple cider vinegar into their daily routine, they’ve been able to reduce the dosage of diabetes medication, though this should only be done under a doctor’s supervision. The theory is that vinegar may help improve insulin sensitivity, leading to better glucose control.

5. Improved Glycemic Control with Diet and Exercise

A number of success stories also highlight how individuals combine apple cider vinegar with diet and exercise to control their diabetes without relying solely on medications. They credit vinegar for helping to stabilize blood sugar levels when used in conjunction with a balanced, low-carb diet.

6. Clinical Research Support

While more research is needed, some small-scale studies have supported the potential benefits of vinegar:

  • A study published in the Journal of Functional Foods (2015) found that consuming vinegar before meals can improve insulin sensitivity in people with insulin resistance.
  • Another study, published in Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (2010), showed that vinegar can reduce postprandial (after meal) glucose levels in type 2 diabetics.

7. Alternative Health Forums and Testimonies

There are numerous posts and testimonials on diabetes forums, blogs, and alternative health websites where people with diabetes have shared their success stories. Some users have stated that they experienced reduced HbA1c levels over time with regular vinegar consumption, alongside other lifestyle changes.

Key Considerations:

  • Dosage: Most success stories involve small amounts of vinegar, often 1–2 tablespoons diluted in water.
  • Timing: Vinegar is commonly consumed before meals or at bedtime.
  • Type: Apple cider vinegar is the most popular, but other vinegars (like white vinegar) are sometimes mentioned.

While there are encouraging stories, it is important to note that vinegar should not replace diabetes medications or lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. As always, it's essential for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

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All the food or vegetable that are effective for diabetics

 In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), diet plays a vital role in managing diabetes by focusing on balancing the body's energy, improving digestion, and regulating blood sugar levels. Here are some TCM-recommended foods and vegetables that are beneficial for diabetics:

1. Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia)

  • Effect: Helps lower blood sugar levels, enhances insulin sensitivity.
  • How to use: Can be cooked in stir-fries, soups, or taken as tea.

2. Pumpkin (Nan Gua)

  • Effect: Supports insulin production and glucose metabolism.
  • How to use: Can be steamed, roasted, or made into soup.

3. Chinese Yam (Dioscorea opposita)

  • Effect: Strengthens the spleen and kidneys, supports blood sugar regulation.
  • How to use: Commonly used in soups and stews.

4. Lotus Root (Lian Ou)

  • Effect: Improves digestion, clears heat, and regulates blood sugar.
  • How to use: Can be stir-fried, added to soups, or consumed as juice.

5. Mung Beans (Lu Dou)

  • Effect: Helps detoxify the body, cools heat, and stabilizes blood sugar.
  • How to use: Can be boiled into porridge or soup.

6. Cucumber (Huang Gua)

  • Effect: Clears heat and quenches thirst, helps lower blood sugar.
  • How to use: Eaten raw in salads or juiced.

7. Bamboo Shoots (Zhu Sun)

  • Effect: Helps cool the body, detoxifies, and reduces sugar levels.
  • How to use: Can be added to stir-fries and soups.

8. Seaweed (Hai Zao)

  • Effect: Detoxifies, clears phlegm, and supports weight control.
  • How to use: Can be eaten in soups or salads.

9. Spinach (Bo Cai)

  • Effect: Nourishes the blood, clears heat, and reduces excessive thirst and urination.
  • How to use: Can be lightly steamed or stir-fried.

10. Fenugreek Seeds (Hu Lu Ba)

  • Effect: Helps improve insulin function and regulate blood sugar levels.
  • How to use: Typically consumed as a tea or ground into a spice.

11. Celery (Qin Cai)

  • Effect: Clears heat, reduces thirst, and helps control blood pressure.
  • How to use: Can be juiced or stir-fried.

12. Daikon Radish (Bai Luo Bo)

  • Effect: Clears heat, detoxifies, and supports digestion.
  • How to use: Can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in soups.

13. Garlic (Suan)

  • Effect: Improves circulation, detoxifies, and helps manage blood sugar levels.
  • How to use: Can be used in cooking or taken raw in small quantities.

14. Shiitake Mushrooms (Xiang Gu)

  • Effect: Boosts immune function and regulates blood sugar.
  • How to use: Commonly used in soups and stir-fries.

15. Goji Berries (Gou Qi Zi)

  • Effect: Nourishes the liver and kidneys, balances blood sugar.
  • How to use: Can be added to teas, soups, or consumed as a snack.

16. Buckwheat (Qiao Mai)

  • Effect: Promotes digestion, reduces blood sugar spikes, and supports energy balance.
  • How to use: Can be cooked like rice or made into noodles.

These foods can be integrated into a balanced diet, which should be customized according to the individual's body type and constitution as per TCM principles. Always consult with a TCM practitioner or healthcare provider to ensure these foods are appropriate for your condition.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

遍尋名醫找不到病因 呂文婉靠這一個動作不藥而癒【新聞挖挖哇】

【控糖減重】半年狂瘦20公斤!減重醫師親身經歷 【 如果云知道 鄭凱云 】

1.進食順序 水 肉菜 飯 果 2.餐前喝2小匙無糖醋,可降低碳水化合物升糖能力。醋醃黃瓜等醃漬蔬菜也有幫助.

其實醫生遺漏了一點 ,醋對於脾胃不好的人跟胃食道逆流的人要稀釋後來喝才不會讓身體受傷,而且每種醋的濃度不同稀釋比例也不一樣 何時喝最好?不同時間喝,效果不同 早晨起床後喝一杯溫醋飲,可以促進腸道蠕動使排便順暢;中午餐前喝一小杯醋,可促進食慾、幫助消化。另外,也可以在用餐時或餐後喝一杯醋,可以中和胃酸;疲勞時喝一杯醋飲,有助於消除疲勞。 跟穩定血糖 醋該怎麼喝?加20倍的水稀釋 正確的飲用濃度是15cc的醋加20倍的水飲用,胃發炎或胃潰瘍者則加25至30倍的水稀釋。天然釀造醋是弱鹼性,對於改善胃疾有不錯的助益。 還有要喝無糖的(例如無糖蘋果醋、黑蒜醋等等)

Monday, September 9, 2024

You Cannot Heal Your KIDNEY If You Do These 10 Things Daily | Kidney Hea...

10. holding in your urine 9. Overusing painkillers 8. Not drinking enough water 7. Consuming too much salt 6. Eating processed foods 5. Ignoring high blood pressure 4. Consuming excessing sugar 3. Smoking 2. Drinking too much alcohol 1. Neglecting diabetes management

Friday, September 6, 2024


Qi and blood weakness/shortage timing 13.31

Heart and spleen weakness timing 22.41

Kidney yin and yang info timing 31.07
六味地黃丸 is for kidney yin weakness
龟龄集 is for kidney yang weakness


Excessive sweating formula timing 18.43

Thursday, September 5, 2024

You CAN Beat Diabetes & Insulin Resistance: Simple Hacks to Reverse It N...

TIME STAMPS 00:00 - INTRO 01:46 - Understanding Diabetes and Insulin Resistance 03:17 - Evidence of Diet Impact on Diabetes 04:21 - Insulin Resistance 06:16 - Carbs and Glucose Spikes 06:55 - Insulin Resistance 09:06 - Coffee and Insulin Sensitivity 10:33 - Reducing Insulin Levels 13:22 - Importance of Flattening Glucose Curves 14:01 - Glucose Hacks 15:48 - Early Detection of Diabetes 16:20 - Strategies to Lower Insulin Levels 18:18 - Science Behind Diabetes Reversal 20:13 - Hacks 21:46 - Community Testimonials

ten minute walk non sweet breakfast veggie starter vinegar before lunch or dinner


五味子,益气护心臟,安神健腦; 枸杞子,補腎生精,养肝明目;
五味子(可稍微搗一下)6克,和枸杞子6克,泡水当茶喝,称为2子延寿茶! 建議:也可加点罗汉果,味道也不错!



药膳 40.25 for diabetes

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


(229) 梁医学社梁怡璋医生 - YouTube

Shan Zhu Yu – Shan Yu Rou – Cornus fruit – Asiatic Cornelian Cherry – Chinese Dogwood fruit


Nature: sour, slightly warm

Enters: Liver, Heart, Kidney

Actions: Tonifies kidney and liver Yin; astringes the lower Jiao; astringes sweat; slightly tonifies kidney Yang; stabilizes the kidneys, controls Jing; stops excessive sweating, supports what has collapsed; stabilizes the menses; stops bleeding (weak); may mildly nourish Jing.

• Kidney and liver deficiency: dizziness, vertigo, weakness of the lumbar region and knees, impotence.
• Yang collapse or Qi collapse: shock, excessive sweating.
• Kidney Qi deficiency: seminal emission, urinary incontinence, profuse sweating.
• Deficiency: excessive uterine bleeding, prolonged menstruation.
• Difficult to digest.
Dr. Wei Li calls Shan zhu yu the “Ginseng for the Kidneys,” and claims this herb is more of a tonic than an astringent.
Pearls from the Golden Cabinet (Subhuti Dharmananda): For alternating hot and cold (not Shaoyang) due to internal injury to the Jueyin liver system – e.g. extreme liver deficiency causing sudden sensation of heat and cold, and dangerous loss of sweat.
Oriental Materia Medica (Hong-Yen Hsu): Diuretic, antibacterial, antihistamine actions.
Weng Weiliang, et. al.: This herb is indicated in the treatment of diabetes, lumbago, impotence, enuresis, infertility, vertigo, spermatorrhea, functional uterine bleeding.

Shan Zhu Yu - Shan Yu Rou - Cornus fruit - Asiatic Cornelian Cherry - Chinese Dogwood fruit - Chinese Herbal Medicine (

Japanese Cornelian Cherry (Shan Zhu Yu) - Proven Herbal Remedies (



Monday, September 2, 2024

Benefits of herb shan zhu yu 山茱萸

Shan Zhu Yu – Shan Yu Rou – Cornus fruit – Asiatic Cornelian Cherry – Chinese Dogwood fruit


Nature: sour, slightly warm

Enters: Liver, Heart, Kidney

Actions: Tonifies kidney and liver Yin; astringes the lower Jiao; astringes sweat; slightly tonifies kidney Yang; stabilizes the kidneys, controls Jing; stops excessive sweating, supports what has collapsed; stabilizes the menses; stops bleeding (weak); may mildly nourish Jing.

• Kidney and liver deficiency: dizziness, vertigo, weakness of the lumbar region and knees, impotence.
• Yang collapse or Qi collapse: shock, excessive sweating.
• Kidney Qi deficiency: seminal emission, urinary incontinence, profuse sweating.
• Deficiency: excessive uterine bleeding, prolonged menstruation.
• Difficult to digest.
Dr. Wei Li calls Shan zhu yu the “Ginseng for the Kidneys,” and claims this herb is more of a tonic than an astringent.
Pearls from the Golden Cabinet (Subhuti Dharmananda): For alternating hot and cold (not Shaoyang) due to internal injury to the Jueyin liver system – e.g. extreme liver deficiency causing sudden sensation of heat and cold, and dangerous loss of sweat.
Oriental Materia Medica (Hong-Yen Hsu): Diuretic, antibacterial, antihistamine actions.
Weng Weiliang, et. al.: This herb is indicated in the treatment of diabetes, lumbago, impotence, enuresis, infertility, vertigo, spermatorrhea, functional uterine bleeding.

Shan Zhu Yu - Shan Yu Rou - Cornus fruit - Asiatic Cornelian Cherry - Chinese Dogwood fruit - Chinese Herbal Medicine (

Japanese Cornelian Cherry (Shan Zhu Yu) - Proven Herbal Remedies (



南瓜籽 鋅含量高 (每天15-20個) 大蒜 除了生吃有蒜素 也是硒含量高的食物 (生吃對腸胃有刺激 要適量) 酪梨是好的脂肪來源 (一個禮拜兩顆就夠了) 一般很少提到海苔(無調味的) 日本人超愛吃的 有豐富的鐵質 對腸胃很好


攝取亞麻仁油就有豐富的omega3 不需要殺生吃魚。護生更有福報少業障病苦