Tuesday, September 3, 2024


(229) 梁医学社梁怡璋医生 - YouTube

Shan Zhu Yu – Shan Yu Rou – Cornus fruit – Asiatic Cornelian Cherry – Chinese Dogwood fruit


Nature: sour, slightly warm

Enters: Liver, Heart, Kidney

Actions: Tonifies kidney and liver Yin; astringes the lower Jiao; astringes sweat; slightly tonifies kidney Yang; stabilizes the kidneys, controls Jing; stops excessive sweating, supports what has collapsed; stabilizes the menses; stops bleeding (weak); may mildly nourish Jing.

• Kidney and liver deficiency: dizziness, vertigo, weakness of the lumbar region and knees, impotence.
• Yang collapse or Qi collapse: shock, excessive sweating.
• Kidney Qi deficiency: seminal emission, urinary incontinence, profuse sweating.
• Deficiency: excessive uterine bleeding, prolonged menstruation.
• Difficult to digest.
Dr. Wei Li calls Shan zhu yu the “Ginseng for the Kidneys,” and claims this herb is more of a tonic than an astringent.
Pearls from the Golden Cabinet (Subhuti Dharmananda): For alternating hot and cold (not Shaoyang) due to internal injury to the Jueyin liver system – e.g. extreme liver deficiency causing sudden sensation of heat and cold, and dangerous loss of sweat.
Oriental Materia Medica (Hong-Yen Hsu): Diuretic, antibacterial, antihistamine actions.
Weng Weiliang, et. al.: This herb is indicated in the treatment of diabetes, lumbago, impotence, enuresis, infertility, vertigo, spermatorrhea, functional uterine bleeding.

Shan Zhu Yu - Shan Yu Rou - Cornus fruit - Asiatic Cornelian Cherry - Chinese Dogwood fruit - Chinese Herbal Medicine (chineseherbinfo.com)

Japanese Cornelian Cherry (Shan Zhu Yu) - Proven Herbal Remedies (chineseherbshealing.com)



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